Hopwood Community Primary School

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About Hopwood Community Primary School

Name Hopwood Community Primary School
Website http://www.hopwoodcommunityprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Sarah Harland
Address Magdala Street, Heywood, OL10 2HN
Phone Number 01706360494
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 422
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this happy and friendly school.

They live up to the school's expectations of exemplary behaviour. The support for pupils' well-being is exceptional. Pupils are well-versed in the 'stop, understand and move on' approach and use this to support each other through difficult times.

They know that it is OK to be sad or worried, as an adult or a friend will listen and help them to feel better.

Pupils throughout the school aspire to embody the school values of 'try our best, stay safe and show respect'. In lessons they work with enthusiasm and resilience to practise new learning.

Pupils have high aspirations for their own achievement, which... are realised with the support of the school's highly skilled staff.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), enjoy many opportunities to make a positive contribution to the school community. In the early years, children take great care of each other and their learning environment.

Older pupils act as subject ambassadors and team captains. Others take on the role of sports leaders, organising games and activities for pupils to enjoy at lunchtime. This fosters a strong sense of common purpose throughout the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school and governors are unyielding in their pursuit of excellence. This is because they are determined to give all of the pupils at this school, including disadvantaged pupils, the best possible start to their education. Accordingly, the school has designed an exceptionally ambitious curriculum which equips pupils with a deep and rich body of knowledge.

Teachers benefit from a wealth of training and support. The school ensures that teachers know precisely what information to teach, and how it connects to what pupils have learned in the past. This enables them to design highly effective learning.

Teachers make effective use of a range of resources that promote and enhance pupils' understanding. They are determined to remove any barriers that may hinder pupils' learning, including pupils with SEND.

The school has implemented highly effective assessment approaches which ensure that staff carefully check that pupils' learning is developing exceptionally well.

Staff are adept at recognising and addressing pupils' misconceptions swiftly so that these do not persist over time. They are trained to identify any specific difficulties that may indicate that a pupil has SEND. The school ensures that its assessment practices do not place an unnecessary burden on staff, so that staff are able to prioritise teaching.

A passion for books and literature oozes out of classrooms from Reception to Year 6. Teachers ensure that pupils are exposed to a wide, yet carefully selected range of texts that expand pupils' horizons and foster a love of reading. Staff throughout the school benefit from high quality training and coaching which equips them with the expertise to teach reading highly effectively.

Pupils in the early stages of learning to read benefit from a consistent and effective approach to developing their phonics knowledge. Staff ensure that any older pupils that struggle with reading quickly receive the support that they need. This helps pupils to swiftly develop into fluent and enthusiastic readers.

Governors, leaders and staff share an ambitious vision for the school. Governors have highly detailed knowledge of the school. They carry out focussed visits to assure themselves of the quality of provision.

Governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders. For example, by closely scrutinising attendance information, governors ensure that the school is working to secure the best possible attendance for pupils. As a result, pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, are rarely absent.

In lessons, pupils display exceptionally positive attitudes. Classrooms buzz with purposeful learning. Pupils thrive in the atmosphere of collective endeavour.

They enjoy the healthy competition of collecting points for their team in recognition of their effort and achievement. The school has a consistent approach to promoting positive attitudes to learning. As a result, pupils, including children in the early years, develop behaviours that help them to learn successfully.

The school has designed a highly effective programme for pupils' wider development. Pupils learn a carefully considered body of knowledge. This is enhanced by a deliberate and well-thought-out programme of assemblies, visiting speakers and excursions.

Every pupil has the opportunity to represent the school in sports, participate in a school musical production, and enjoy a wide range of clubs and activities available each week. By identifying and removing any barriers to participation, the school ensures that all pupils can benefit from these enriching experiences.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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