Horsenden Primary School

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About Horsenden Primary School

Name Horsenden Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Appelby
Address Horsenden Lane North, Greenford, UB6 0PB
Phone Number 02084225985
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 642
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Horsenden is a vibrant and friendly place.

Pupils enjoy coming to school and mix well together. They are safe and happy here.

The school has high expectations for pupils.

All pupils follow the school's ambitious curriculum, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils appreciate the regular opportunities the school provides to discuss and debate their ideas. For example, they enjoy considering different beliefs and perspectives.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning. Children in early years follow routines sensibly and settle well.

The schoo...l ensures that pupils who may struggle to manage their behaviour receive effective support. Pupils are considerate of each other and understand the importance of kindness and respect. Bullying is rare and staff take swift action if it occurs.

Pupils have a wide range of opportunities for their wider development. They relish taking up responsibilities such as anti-bullying ambassadors, eco ambassadors and play leaders. They look forward to taking part in activities such as a science debating club at a local secondary school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that is broad and stimulating, including for pupils with SEND. A few aspects of this curriculum have been recently introduced to provide more effective coverage of all national curriculum subjects. The school has ensured that the knowledge pupils should learn is logically sequenced, starting in early years.

Pupils revisit what they have learned regularly. This helps them remember knowledge as they progress through the school. For example, in mathematics, pupils develop confidence in reasoning and problem-solving through regular practice of activities which build on prior learning.

Teachers present information clearly and helpfully. They have secure subject knowledge and explain ideas clearly. They plan activities that introduce new learning in manageable steps, which helps all pupils to access the curriculum successfully.

Pupils have plenty of opportunities to develop their understanding of new ideas and concepts.

In a small number of subjects, the curriculum is at an earlier stage of development. Not all staff have completed training in these areas to ensure that the intended coverage is implemented consistently.

Where this is the case, some pupils do not secure the knowledge they need to tackle future learning as effectively.

The school has ensured that reading is a priority right from the start in early years. All staff have received comprehensive training in the teaching of phonics.

Pupils, including those with SEND, have regular opportunities to practise their reading with books matched to sounds that they are learning. This enables them to develop the phonics knowledge and skills they need to read fluently. Pupils who struggle with reading are given effective support to catch up.

The school promotes a love of reading. Pupils have regular access to the school's well-stocked libraries and enjoy choosing books.

The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND precisely.

Staff receive helpful training in how to support all pupils to access the curriculum effectively. They use information about pupils' needs to make helpful adaptations. As a result, pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers, with help when they need it.

The school has set high expectations for behaviour. Staff have received effective training in the revised behaviour policy. They apply this with consistency, starting from early years.

Staff take prompt and effective action when behaviour falls below the school's expectations. Pupils value the school's recognition of their positive contributions to school life. Relationships at the school are warm and respectful.

Pupils behave with courtesy towards others. They are proud of their achievements. They appreciate how the school teaches them about good physical and mental health.

They enjoy opportunities to learn about different faiths and cultures. Pupils understand different types of bullying. Older pupils take an active role in promoting the importance of being kind to one another.

Pupils are well-supported if they have a concern. They learn about how to keep safe, including when online.

Pupils attend well.

The school regularly revisits the importance of attendance and works effectively with external agencies where a concern is identified. Staff are swift in taking action to support pupils' well-being.

The school has a clear view of current strengths and areas for development.

Priorities for improvement are well focused. The school gives careful thought to ensuring that staff receive high-quality opportunities for professional development. Governors share leaders' high ambitions for the school and its pupils.

They are well informed and maintain effective strategic oversight of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's ambitious curriculum is not firmly embedded.

In a few subjects, this is at an earlier stage of development. In these subjects, pupils do not secure the same depth of knowledge and understanding. The school should continue to implement their plans to embed the curriculum fully, providing the required training to staff and checking the impact of actions taken.

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