Horsforth Featherbank Primary School

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About Horsforth Featherbank Primary School

Name Horsforth Featherbank Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Lorraine Scudder
Address Featherbank Avenue, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 4QP
Phone Number 01132589412
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 212
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's motto of 'every child safe, every child happy, every child growing' can be seen throughout Horsforth Featherbank Primary School.

Pupils feel included. They are safe and happy here. The school helps pupils to flourish through their learning and development.

Pupils are exceptionally well behaved. They are courteous and extremely polite to adults and to each other. In class, they pay close attention to their teachers and engage diligently with their learning.

The support pupils receive from adults enables them to manage their own behaviour and emotions. Pupils are reflective and considerate. They work extremely hard in lessons.

Pupils rise ...to the high expectations that the school has for them. They enjoy coming to school. Attendance is high.

Pupils benefit from an engaging and rich curriculum. The vast majority of the pupils achieve well. Pupils enjoy a wealth of purposefully planned wider opportunities.

They engage with the local community, volunteering at a local café and caring for the grounds in the local cemetery. Pupils are extremely well prepared for the next stage in their education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is highly ambitious for what pupils can achieve.

The curriculum is very well designed. The clear sequence of lessons enables pupils to build on what they have learned previously in order to reach the school's high aspirations. Leaders have made sure that learning connects across subjects.

Teachers encourage pupils to be curious. Staff benefit from high-quality, subject-specific advice, training and coaching. They are clear on the best approach to take to support pupils.

They use these strategies effectively. Pupils engage deeply and remember their learning exceptionally well.

The school supports pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) effectively.

Adults are skilled in identifying the specific needs of pupils. They support them effectively within the classroom and adapt the curriculum seamlessly where this is necessary. This ensures that pupils with SEND experience a broad and balanced curriculum alongside their peers.

Pupils with additional needs have access to a recently built sensory room. This helps them to focus and access the full curriculum.Reading has a high profile across the school.

The school has developed a 'Featherbank' approach to the teaching of reading. Adults use this excellent approach consistently. Pupils read books that match their phonics knowledge.

Pupils who need additional help with their reading, receive timely and effective targeted support. The school has carefully considered the books that pupils read. Pupils read both fiction and non-fiction books, and they develop a strong love of reading.

They learn to read confidently, fluently and accurately. Pupils also practise comprehension regularly. They understand complex ideas and articulate their thinking clearly.

Teachers use assessment to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge quickly, including for pupils with SEND. Teachers encourage older pupils to self-assess their writing. This helps pupils to write with fluency, purposefully demonstrating a variety of styles and complex ideas.

Children in the early years learn routines and expectations quickly. Leaders ensure that children transition smoothly from other Nursery settings. Children enjoy their learning in Reception.

Adults carefully support children to develop their communication and language, with increasing independence over time. They are exceptionally well prepared to learn a broad curriculum in Year 1.

Pupils experience enrichment activities both within, and outside of the curriculum.

Older pupils learn about a range of careers. For example, pupils are enthusiastic about their work in a drama group. Leaders choose the drama topics carefully.

This helps bring other areas of the curriculum, such as history, to life. The school has ensured access to enrichment activities for all, including for disadvantaged pupils.

The school has ensured that pupils undertake a range of different activities with members of the local community.

Leaders have planned this part of the curriculum to develop well-rounded individuals. Pupils feel that they are part of the Horsforth community.

The school has worked hard to engage with parents and listen to their views, including the parent forum.

The vast majority of parents appreciate the support that the school provides.

Leaders and the governing body regularly meet with staff to consider their well-being. They have taken practical steps to reduce workload.

Staff are highly positive about working at the school. They greatly appreciate the efforts of leaders to manage their workload and support their development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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