Hoyland Springwood Primary School

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About Hoyland Springwood Primary School

Name Hoyland Springwood Primary School
Website http://www.hoylandspringwood.org
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Jennifer Clarke
Address Clough Fields Road, Hoyland, Barnsley, S74 0ER
Phone Number 01226743815
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 140
Local Authority Barnsley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Senior leaders set high expectations for pupils and staff. They model positive relationships and are highly respected by parents and carers, who value the strong sense of community and belonging which the school provides.

The multi-academy trust provides effective support and development which has enabled the school to improve. Governors are also well equipped to provide effective challenge and support. Leaders' ambition and determination have resulted in improving consistency in the quality of teaching and learning so that it is now good.

Accurate assessment is used to make sure that teaching builds on pupils' prior learning. Current pup...ils are making good progress in English and mathematics. An increasing proportion are reaching, and exceeding, age-related expectations.

However, attainment in most subjects and key stages remains below the national average. A wide range of leaders are developing well and contribute successfully to improving the quality of teaching and raising standards. Subject leadership beyond English and mathematics is less well developed, though.

Children get off to a positive start in Reception. They make good progress from their, typically low, starting points. Achievement for boys is improving.

Leaders ensure that the care and welfare of pupils are paramount. This results in a nurturing and inclusive school community. Pupils behave well, feel safe and are valued as individuals.

Pupils, staff and parents recognise improvements in pupils' behaviour. The school provides strong support for vulnerable pupils and families, making effective links with external agencies when necessary. While there are improvements in attendance, absence and persistent absence remain higher than the national average.

Phonics teaching is improving and has led to improved outcomes in the Year 1 phonics screening check. However, pupils' letter formation and pencil grip have been given less consideration and so have not developed as strongly. Pupils who are not on track with early reading, including those who are disadvantaged, do not always have enough practice to help them catch up more rapidly.

Information about this school

Hoyland Springwood is smaller than the average-sized primary school. The school became a sponsored academy as part of the Every Child Matters Multi-Academy Trust in October 2015. When its predecessor school of the same name was last inspected by Ofsted, it was judged to be inadequate.

Since the formation of this school, there have been significant changes to staffing and leadership. The executive headteacher, who is also the chief executive officer, works across several schools in the trust. The headteacher began her position in this school in September 2018.

A new leader of provision for pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities took up post in September 2017. At that time, two new teachers were also appointed. The local governing body oversees the running of the school on behalf of the board of trustees, which ultimately governs the school.

The multi-academy trust provides a range of expertise to develop school leadership and the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Leaders from the four other schools within the multi-academy trust, and the two new learning and achievement leaders, provide support, training and quality assurance. Almost all pupils are of White British heritage; a few pupils are from other mixed backgrounds.

The school includes resourced provision for 12 pupils with complex communication and interaction difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder. Approximately one third of pupils have SEN and/or disabilities and 14% of pupils have an education, health and care plan. These figures are considerably higher than the national average.

The 77% of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities are boys. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium is well above the national average. The school runs breakfast and after-school clubs.

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