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Pupils embody the school values of respect, resilience, excellence, care and consideration, and honesty at this excellent school. Pupils regularly check the school worry box and pass any concerns to the safeguarding team.
Pupils feel safe at the school. They are happy here and enjoy coming to school. One pupil captured the views of many, stating, 'I wouldn't want to go anywhere else; I am so lucky to attend this school.'
The school has extremely high expectations for pupils' behaviour and academic progress. Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, achieve outcomes significantly above national averages in many subjects. Pupils have access to a wide and varied... careers programme.
They are ambitious and aspirational for their futures.
Pupils' behaviour and attitudes are exemplary. In the classroom, pupils are partners in their learning.
They are enthusiastic about and interested in their learning. This creates a vibrant atmosphere in many classrooms.
Many pupils take on leadership roles across the school.
The members of the student leadership group wear their blue ties with pride. They lead on raising money for a variety of charities. Extra-curricular ambassadors supervise lunchtime clubs, such as art.
The sports leaders deliver activities to younger pupils. These opportunities help pupils to understand the importance of contributing to the community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has developed a curriculum that is highly ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
A high proportion of pupils follow the English Baccalaureate pathway. The school has precisely identified the most important knowledge that they want pupils to learn. This knowledge slowly builds in complexity over time.
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge. They carefully select teaching activities that are highly effective in supporting pupils' learning. Teachers regularly check learning and address misconceptions quickly.
As a result, pupils have a deep knowledge of the curriculum. The quality of work that pupils produce is exceptional.
Reading is a high priority at the school.
The school provides training for all staff to support pupils with their reading. In many subjects, teachers use carefully selected texts to support pupils' understanding of the curriculum. In form time, pupils read a class text.
This helps pupils develop a love of reading. The school quickly identifies pupils who need extra support with reading. These pupils receive highly effective support.
As a result, these pupils quicky gain the skills to read with confidence and fluency. This helps them to access successfully the range of subjects on offer.
The support for pupils with SEND is excellent.
The school effectively identifies pupils with SEND. The school trains staff to adapt learning so that all pupils can access the curriculum. Teachers apply these adaptations consistently across the school.
Pupils with SEND achieve remarkable outcomes.
Pupil attendance is high. The school applies an effective strategy to ensure that families and pupils receive support and challenge where appropriate.
The school gives attendance a high profile through a whole-school rewards system. Pupils take pride in receiving this recognition. Staff consistently apply a highly effective behaviour system.
As a result, low-level disruption is extremely rare.
The school has planned the personal, social, health and economic curriculum with the same care as the academic one. Pupils gain age-appropriate knowledge about relationships as they progress.
They learn how to stay safe online and live healthy lives. The curriculum includes trips and activities that enhance learning and broaden cultural understanding. These include national competitions, visits to the Houses of Parliament, and a careers-themed visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
Pupils have access to a vast range of clubs, including sports, history, drama and music.
Governors and trustees have a clear understanding of their role. They provide support and challenge to school leaders where appropriate.
The school provides a highly effective programme of professional development for staff. This directly impacts improvements to the quality of education. Leaders are mindful of staff workload.
Staff feel listened to and valued at the school. They are proud to work at Hungerhill.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.