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This is a good school The inspirational headteacher and senior leadership team hold high expectations for all.
They lead by example. With a clear moral purpose, they successfully motivate staff to give of their best. The school has a positive culture and staff morale is high.
Parents hold the school in high esteem and value senior leaders' commitment to the community. The personal development and welfare of pupils is a strength of the school. The school, rightly, places a very strong emphasis on ensuring that pupils are safe.
Pupils develop the mental strength and resilience they need to overcome barriers to learning. Pupils make good progress in each... phase of the school. From starting points that are much lower than is typical, the proportion that reach the standards expected for their age is increasing.
Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) also make good progress. Effective teaching leads to pupils' good progress in English and mathematics. Additional support helps weaker pupils to grasp phonics and develop reading skills.
An on-site unit helps pupils who joined the school recently to catch up quickly. Occasionally, the expectations placed on some pupils are not high enough, particularly the most able. While the teaching of reading has improved, there remains work to do.
Not all adults in school are trained to teach reading to the same level. The curriculum is a strength of the school. In the refurbished building, interesting topics and themes capture pupils' imagination.
Pupils come to school excited to learn and this has a positive effect on their attendance. Pupils feel safe and well cared for. They are confident that, should bullying occur, it will be dealt with quickly and effectively.
Children make a good start in the early years. Teachers address children's language and communication needs quickly. However, leaders recognise that even more could be done to help parents to support the teaching of phonics.
The governors provide a strong strategic direction and oversight. They have driven and managed the complex building programme with tenacity. As a result, the project has successfully delivered their aims.
Governors hold leaders to account for the quality of education effectively.
Information about this school
Hunslet Moor is a much larger than the average-sized primary school. The school has recently undergone a complex expansion programme, which has seen 68 additional pupils join the school in the current year.
A new wing of the school was built in 2017/18 and the existing buildings were refurbished in 2018. More pupils than average are from minority ethnic groups and the proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is well above average. The school has 14 out of the 17 possible ethnic groups represented in its population.
The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for additional funding through the pupil premium is much higher than average and in the highest 20% of schools nationally. The proportion of pupils with SEND is now lower than the national average. The proportion of pupils with education, health and care plans is also below the national average.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.