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This is an outstanding school Exceptional leadership, at all levels, has driven improvements strongly. At the centre of these successes have been high-quality research and training. Governance provides excellent support and challenge to school leaders.
The curriculum is extremely rich and stimulating. Music, art, drama and sport are very much in evidence and have a profoundly positive impact on pupils' enjoyment and their high attendance. The school works extremely well with parents, regularly seeking their opinions and involving them as real partners in learning.
The quality of teaching and learning is equally strong. Teachers are well trained, have excellent... subject knowledge and constantly strive to improve their skills. Pupils feel safe and secure.
Bullying is rare and behaviour in the playground is excellent. In lessons, pupils' attitudes to learning are exceptional. They support each other and discuss how to make their work even better.
As a result of pupils' excellent behaviour, both in and out of class, teachers rarely, if ever, have to use sanctions. Pupils' welfare and safety are of high quality due to the work the school does in the curriculum to help pupils understand risk. Many pupils take on responsibilities, such as being sports leaders.
Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities receive first-class support for their needs. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, make outstanding progress from their starting points in Year 3. Attainment is rising and is above average in reading, writing and mathematics.
In science, pupils' attainment is broadly average. Some pupils arrive in Year 3 with gaps in their reading skills. Work is under way to ensure that these pupils catch up with their peers.
Information about this school
Hunter's Bar Junior School serves the population of an area to the south west of Sheffield. Most pupils have previously attended the infant school, which is adjacent to the school. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics.
The proportion of pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium is below average. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is below average. The proportion of pupils whose first language is not English is broadly average.