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Pupils are proud to be part of this school. The recently established leadership team has developed a powerful vision of 'belong, embrace, encourage, succeed' (BEES).
This inspires pupils to see themselves as 'bees in a hive', working together to encourage each other. This vision underpins the curriculum that leaders are beginning to establish. However, staff are in the early stages of developing the curriculum, including in the early years.
In most subjects, the curriculum does not precisely define what leaders want pupils to learn and remember. Pupils are not able to build their knowledge step by step as they move through the curriculum.
Adults help pupils t...o manage their own feelings and behaviour well.
Leaders have established the school rules of 'ready, respectful, safe' to help pupils understand what adults expect of them. Staff apply these rules consistently. As a result, pupils behave well most of the time.
Bullying is rare. This is because leaders and staff teach pupils how to treat everyone with respect. When bullying does happen, staff deal with it so that the bullying stops.
There is a real sense of community at Huntington Primary Academy. Leaders have built positive relationships with pupils and their families. They have created an inclusive culture that helps pupils to feel happy and safe.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
In most subjects, leaders have not defined the most important things they want pupils to learn. This means that teachers do not consistently match activities to the most important things pupils should learn. This makes it difficult for pupils to build their knowledge step by step.
Currently, pupils are not learning well enough in subjects across the curriculum.
Leaders are reviewing the curriculum. They want to make sure that pupils build on what they already know.
In areas such as physical education (PE) and mathematics, this process is gaining traction and pupils are learning more of the important knowledge and skills they need.
In early years, staff help children to cooperate well and build positive relationships with each other. They teach children to share and to be kind.
Staff encourage children to use new vocabulary. They ask them questions that help children to extend their talk and explain their thinking. However, leaders have not thought carefully enough about how the important knowledge, skills and attributes that children need to develop will build progressively.
Many of the activities that staff provide for children are not helping them to develop the knowledge they need to be ready for Year 1.
Leaders make reading a priority. They give staff the training that they need to help pupils to learn to read.
From the earliest years, leaders make sure that children develop their phonic knowledge to become confident readers. Staff give pupils throughout school lots of practice to read. This helps pupils to become fluent readers.
The books that pupils read match the sounds that they know. When pupils struggle with reading, staff give them the right support to catch up. Staff show pupils what being a great reader looks like by reading together frequently.
Pupils talk enthusiastically about the books that they read in class. For example, they can talk in detail about the characters in the stories they are reading.
Teachers help pupils to build their mathematical knowledge step by step.
Pupils have lots of opportunities to rehearse and practise learning. For example, when practising tally charts, teachers addressed misconceptions to help pupils become more confident. Teachers support pupils to use mathematical vocabulary accurately.
Pupils were able to discuss the meanings of 'interpret' and 'estimate' and apply these to their mathematics. By the time pupils leave school in Year 6, they are confident mathematicians.
Leaders' commitment to pupils' wider development is a considerable strength.
Pupils can explain the importance of respect. They celebrate difference and diversity. Leaders have made sure this is woven through the curriculum.
Pupils explore diversity through activities such as reading the poetry of Benjamin Zephaniah and debating the lack of female astronauts in the early space race. Leaders deliberately broaden pupils' experiences. For example, pupils take part in a career conference at the local high school and represent the school in singing competitions.
This work informs the maturity and kindness with which pupils treat everyone around them. One pupil summed this up, saying: 'Our school is unique. We are allowed to be our own person.'
Leaders have ensured high-quality support for the mental well-being of pupils. Pupils learn about how to manage their emotions. Skilled staff provide a valued service to pupils who need additional support.
Leaders ensure the school is a caring and inclusive environment.
The recently established leadership team has skilfully balanced priorities for improvement alongside consideration for staff. Staff feel they are well supported, listened to and valued.
They appreciate the positive improvements leaders have made. Staff feel proud to work at this school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Everyone at Huntington Primary Academy takes safeguarding seriously. Leaders make sure that staff are trained well and receive regular updates to safeguarding guidance. Staff work hard to build strong relationships with families.
As a result, they know pupils and their families well. Staff are vigilant and know how to identify any risks that pupils may face. They swiftly follow up any concerns over pupils' welfare.
Leaders and trustees check that staff follow safeguarding procedures consistently.
Leaders make sure pupils are taught about staying safe. Pupils of all ages show a strong understanding of how to stay safe, both in the community and online.
Pupils are confident to speak to adults in school if they have any worries. They know that adults will support them.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In most subjects, leaders have not identified the most important knowledge and skills that they want pupils to learn.
This is also true in the early years. This means that pupils are not consistently able to build important knowledge. Leaders should ensure that they clearly identify exactly what they want pupils to learn and remember.
• Teachers do not consistently set learning activities that enable pupils to learn and remember important knowledge. This means that pupils are not able to build their knowledge securely. Leaders should work with staff to enable them to better set activities that focus on what they want pupils to know.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.