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This is a good school The headteacher, staff and governors demonstrate the drive and ambition for every pupil to succeed. Governors effectively support the school.
They provide a high level of challenge, holding the headteacher to account. Teachers deliver interesting lessons that capture pupils' imagination. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, make good progress.
Pupils' achievements are broadly in line with those achieved nationally. However, some of the most able pupils are not achieving the standards of which they are capable. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are making similar rates of progress to other pupils....r/> Individualised support helps pupils to make good progress. Pupils' outstanding personal development is at the heart of all the school's work. Pupils take their leadership roles seriously and make very positive contributions to the school and community.
Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They show high levels of respect and consideration for others. The development of middle leaders is increasing their effectiveness.
However, there is more to do to ensure that they have the necessary skills to drive improvement. Children get off to a good start in the early years foundation stage. They are well taught in a safe and nurturing environment.
Children are confident and make good progress in all areas of their development. The curriculum is broad and balanced and meets pupils' needs well. Pupils enjoy and appreciate the variety of stimulating experiences they have.
Extending the curriculum for older pupils, as they move from Year 4 into Year 5, is at an early stage and is a priority for leaders. Parents and carers are highly supportive of the headteacher and staff. They strongly believe in the school and fervently acknowledge the very high standards of care their children receive.
All adults in the school work together to create a safe and secure environment where pupils learn and do well.
Information about this school
Since the previous inspection in December 2013, the school has changed from an infant to a primary school. Currently, there are no pupils in Years 5 and 6.
By September 2020, there will be pupils in all year groups. The school is smaller than the average-sized primary school. There is a Reception class, a mixed Years 1 and 2 class, and a mixed Years 3 and 4 class.
The vast majority of pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged is below the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below average.
There is a small number of pupils with education, health and care plans. The schools last Section 48 inspection was carried out in July 2016 when the school was judged to be outstanding. The school receives minimum, light touch support from the local authority.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.