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This is a good school Leaders, including trust leaders, are effective and ambitious for pupils and for their school. They are rightly proud of the good progress that pupils make during their time at the school.
Strong progress in key stage 2, alongside rich experiences, such as residential trips and taking part in music groups, help to cultivate confident, self-assured pupils. Leaders target additional funding for disadvantaged pupils well. Consequently, these pupils make good gains in their learning.
Leaders, supported robustly by the trust, keep a close eye on the quality of teaching. Following some disappointing outcomes in early years and key stage 1, impr...ovements to teaching and learning are starting to prepare pupils better for learning in Year 3. Outcomes, particularly for the most able pupils, still need to improve further in the early years and key stage 1.
New approaches to the organisation of phonics teaching in Years 1 and 2 have yet to make a sufficiently positive impact on raising standards. Recent work by leaders to review the curriculum has led to a well-structured plan. Most pupils benefit from carefully planned lessons that develop and deepen their knowledge over time.
Pupils respond well to the high expectations for behaviour. Exclusions have considerably reduced. Clear strategies for teaching writing and mathematics are evident in the good progress seen in pupils' books.
Expectations are equally high in subjects covered in 'topic'. School leaders, including the special educational needs coordinator (SENCo), are reflective and accurate in their appraisal of the school's strengths and weaknesses. This ensures that the school continues to move forward at a good pace.
Leaders accurately identify that learning during lessons for some pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), needs to be more closely matched to their next steps. Leaders have high expectations for attendance. As a result, it is steadily improving.
However, there is more to do to ensure that pupils attend school well.
Information about this school
Ilminster Avenue E-ACT Academy opened in January 2012. The E-ACT board of trustees is accountable for the school, supported by an executive leadership team.
Regional directors hold school leaders to account at raising-achievement board meetings, which are held at the school every six weeks. An ambassadorial advisory group, which includes parent representatives, works with leaders to focus on 'the four Cs' of communication, celebration, complaints and community. The academy is of average size for a primary school.
It is located in an area of high deprivation. The proportion of pupils with SEND is well above the national average. The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium funding is also well above the national average, being in the top 20% for all schools.