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Pupils' experience at Jane Austen is characterised by highly warm and positive relationships.
There is always someone to talk to who will listen and help. Pupils really value the extensive range of pastoral support on offer, including for mental health. This helps pupils to be able to cope with issues such as anxiety and stay happy and safe.
Pupils develop their knowledge and character exceptionally well. Staff have the highest expectations about what pupils should achieve. Pupils meet these expectations as they get the support they need to live up to them.
This is because this is the 'JAC Way,' where everyone is kind, hardworking and responsible.
Pu...pils find lessons inspiring. Any behaviour incidents are extremely rare because pupils are so engrossed in what they learn.
Pupils benefit from the extensive 'character curriculum' and treat each other with respect and tolerance around the school site as the 'JAC Way' is so well understood. Where pupils do experience any difficulties, they get an extensive range of effective support to resolve these. This helps pupils attend well.
All pupils benefit from a wealth of enrichment that is built into the school day, such as choir. Almost all talents and interests are catered for by an extensive programme of 'electives'.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The trust has used experts to develop a highly aspirational curriculum.
The school tailors this curriculum further to meet the specific needs of pupils at the school. School leaders focus forensically on refining this curriculum and how effectively it is taught. Consequently, across the board, teaching is of the highest standard because of the high-quality training teachers get.
The impact of highly effective teaching can be seen in the exceptional levels of depth and complexity of pupils' work. For example, by the time students get to Year 13, they are producing work that is of very high quality because of the depth of knowledge and understanding they have built.
The school has the highest level of academic ambition for all.
An exceptionally high number of pupils enter the subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate and achieve highly. This is because staff consistently check what pupils know. They support pupils to address any misconceptions and further develop the depth of their understanding.
Staff adapt how they teach to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, without reducing their high aspirations for all. For example, pupils who need it get bespoke support so they are able to understand old English words with confidence. This allows them to access the same highly challenging texts as their classmates.
The school identifies the precise barriers as to why any pupils cannot read fluently. Staff support pupils to address these barriers quickly and effectively, whether it be with phonics or comprehension. Reading is promoted extensively.
Pupils read widely and understand why this is important.
The school supports pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Pupils understand why certain routines are needed and have highly positive attitudes.
For example, pupils know that lessons need to start in silence so they can quickly get on with recall activities. The consistency of these routines across the school helps pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs to manage their emotions well as they know what to expect. All of this ensures that the highest standards are maintained.
In the sixth form, any behaviour management is focused on teachers being warmly insistent about these standards. This approach, combined with the extensive work the school does to address any barriers to attendance, ensures that pupils attend as well as possible.
Leaders have embedded the school's values, such as 'be kind,' in the character curriculum.
These are promoted wherever you go in the school. They are modelled in the everyday behaviour of staff and pupils. Additional character development days enable pupils to build a sense of community togetherness.
Pupils learn about overcoming traditional stereotypes and what it means to display a deep understanding of tolerance and respect for difference. In the sixth form, over two-thirds of students are involved in student leadership roles, which includes the head of inclusion and diversity. Pupils value these experiences, which help them to be highly attuned to the perspectives of others.
The school provides a comprehensive programme of careers guidance. Pupils who need it receive support with getting work experience placements, and all pupils get specialised careers guidance. This ensures they are very well prepared to make informed choices about their next steps.
Trustees and the local academy committee have an exceptionally clear vision of what a high-quality education means in practice. They robustly hold leaders to account for this. This has resulted in the school further improving since the previous inspection.
However, this challenge is complemented by extensive support. School leaders and resources provided by the trust have had a significantly positive impact on staff workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.