John Stainer Community Primary School

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About John Stainer Community Primary School

Name John Stainer Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Shermane Okorodudu
Address Mantle Road, Brockley, London, SE4 2DY
Phone Number 02076390482
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 418
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

John Stainer is an exceptional school. Staff are rightly proud to work here and are determined that all pupils will be supported to achieve their very best.

Pupils love coming to school; they feel safe and are kept safe here. This is because there is an inclusive atmosphere, and everyone is welcome. Behaviour is excellent in lessons and around the school.

Pupils show respect for staff and for one another. They work and play collaboratively. Pupils readily demonstrate the school values, including friendship, respect and community.

Pupils are kind to each other, and they do not tolerate bullying. If they are worried about anything they know there is a member of... staff who will help them. Pupils' mental well-being is supported by the pastoral care team.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievement, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum. They produce work of high quality in different subjects and, as a result, are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.

The school provides pupils with a wealth of opportunities to deepen their learning and develop their character. From sailing lessons to famous author visits and first-aid training, pupils enjoy a wide range of after-school clubs and enriching experiences.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious and interesting curriculum.

They have identified and sequenced the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn and remember. As a result, pupils develop a deep body of knowledge in different subjects that they draw on when tackling more complex learning. For instance, in computing, children in early years start by learning how to move remote-controlled cars forward and back.

This helps pupils use increasingly more complex coding so that by Year 6 they are writing their own algorithms.

The school prioritises children's early language development. When children start, staff focus on whether they are happy, supported and confident to communicate with adults and with their peers.

In early years, language is constantly promoted throughout the curriculum, exemplified through the variety of exciting and interesting activities provided. For example, children confidently discussed with staff how they were going to mould the play foam they were using.

Phonics is taught from the beginning by staff who are well trained to be experts in teaching reading.

Pupils' progress through the agreed phonics programme is carefully tracked, and any who fall behind are quickly identified and offered additional support. This means that pupils develop as accurate, confident and fluent readers. A love of reading is also encouraged across the school, for example through daily story reading in all year groups, the choral recitation of poetry and the book-filled phone box in the playground.

The school has made sure that the growing numbers of pupils with SEND, and their increasingly complex needs, are well catered for. Leaders have invested in training for all staff and work with a wide range of external professionals. This ensures that staff are well equipped to help to access the planned curriculum wherever this is possible.

The school works hard to ensure that pupils' levels of attendance and punctuality remain high. Pupils become involved in this by being attendance advocates, and high and improving attendance are recognised and celebrated. In lessons, pupils are calm and sensible.

This is because leaders have set clear routines and expectations that are understood and consistently applied. If any issues arise, pupils are encouraged to reflect on their behaviour, and what they might do differently in the future. This helps pupils learn to manage their own behaviour.

The promotion of pupils' personal development is excellent. Leaders have carefully designed a rich curriculum. For example, pupils learn about the importance of British values and how they might use these to resolve any problems they might have.

Pupils enjoy the range of clubs, community events and opportunities for fundraising, such as for local food banks. There are different roles they can participate in, including school councillors, digital leaders and friendship ambassadors.

Leadership is exceptional.

Leaders at all levels work tirelessly to ensure the school is continually improving. Staff feel cared for, listened to and valued. They know their workload and well-being are important priorities for leaders.

Governors know the school well. They are ready to question and challenge the work of leaders when needed. They understand and fulfil their statutory duties.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive. One parent, reflecting the views of many, said, 'This school is a bedrock of the community.'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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