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62-68 Half Moon Lane, Herne Hill, London, SE24 9JE
Phone Number
Free schools
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils enjoy coming to school.
They have high standards for themselves and each other. They talk confidently about the importance of treating each other with fairness and respect. They also learn how to respect and appreciate people in different situations from themselves, such as those in different types of families.
Pupils are particularly proud that they can learn and get better at German. From the moment they start school, children are immersed in the German language. They are also taught to appreciate German culture, including a variety of stories and songs.
In other subjects too, leaders want all pupils to learn an ambitious curriculum. Some subjects, i...ncluding early reading, are planned to achieve this aim, but others are still being developed.
Pupils understand about different types of bullying, including online bullying.
They said that bullying at this school is rare. Adults are quick to help pupils resolve any problems, including, for example, if they fall out with friends. Pupils behave well, both in lessons and in the playground.
All adults working at the school understand how to support pupils' well-being and make sure that they are kept safe. One parent, summing up the views of many, commented: 'This is a school that really cares about the children.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff are working hard to improve the curriculum.
They have already carried out effective work to improve some subjects. This work is continuing. Leaders are very clear about what needs to be done to improve their curriculum thinking, and ensure that all subjects are equally ambitious and well planned.
In some subjects, leaders and staff know precisely what they expect pupils to learn, starting in Reception and continuing through to Year 6. In these subjects, teaching helps pupils to build on the knowledge and skills they have already learned before introducing new ideas. For example, in music, pupils talked about how helpful it was to have lots of opportunities to practise and in turn, apply their knowledge confidently.
Teachers use assessment well to ensure that new knowledge and skills build on what pupils already know. This approach enables pupils to master important ideas and knowledge in a subject.
Nevertheless, some subjects are not as well developed.
The knowledge that pupils should learn is less clearly identified. Sometimes, leaders have not considered how complex ideas in a subject need to be broken down and made more manageable for pupils to understand. Over time, pupils do not build up secure and detailed knowledge.
While pupils can often remember the tasks they have completed, they find it hard to remember the knowledge and ideas that were taught.
The teaching of early reading is well organised and effective. Pupils quickly learn phonics and apply what they know to read unfamiliar words.
The books they read are well matched to the sounds they have already learned. Pupils at risk of falling behind get extra help from skilled staff. This helps them to become confident readers and catch up quickly with their classmates.
As a result, most pupils become fluent readers at an early stage in their education.
Pupils like being able to find out more about the wider world through the books they read. They speak about their reading books enthusiastically.
One pupil, for example, described their current reading book as 'a special book' which 'helps me to think about how to treat others with respect and care.'
Leaders provide pupils with a wide range of opportunities and events beyond the academic curriculum. Pupils learn to understand the wider world, such as Eid celebrations.
They learn about equality and know that it is important to treat those who are different from themselves with respect. Pupils also said that they enjoy a good range of clubs and extra-curricular activities, such as choir, badminton and tennis.
Pupils concentrate well in lessons and have positive attitudes.
This helps them to learn well. This begins in the early years, where children concentrate on tasks, take turns and play happily together. Adults in the early years take good care of children.
This, together with the well-planned curriculum, helps children to have a positive start to their time in school.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support to help them take part fully in lessons. For example, some pupils use visual and practical resources to help them to organise their learning and work well with other pupils.
Pupils' needs are identified effectively. Pupils with SEND learn well and enjoy coming to school.
Many teachers at the school are new to teaching.
They are committed and enthusiastic. Leaders give them helpful advice about how to improve their expertise and subject knowledge. Staff said that leaders support their well-being very effectively.
Governors and trustees have given leaders the right support to make the school a better place to learn. Trust leaders know the school well. They are clear about how to help leaders to further improve the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders work well with the trust to make sure that safeguarding practice is as strong as it needs to be, including safer recruitment. Leaders and staff also help pupils to understand how to stay safe through the curriculum.
For example, pupils learn about what is acceptable and age-appropriate online behaviour. They know how to keep themselves safe online, such as by not sharing personal information with people they do not know.
Adults are well trained to keep pupils safe.
They know how to identify concerns, including those related to peer-on-peer abuse.
School leaders take clear action to help vulnerable pupils, including working with other agencies. Staff also provide sensitive, well-tailored pastoral support when pupils need it.
Pupils who receive this support said how much they appreciated it.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders have not thought equally well about what they want pupils to learn in all subjects. Leaders are developing their curriculum thinking in the subjects that are less well developed.
They are focusing on making their aims clear, including how they expect pupils to build up and remember important subject knowledge in the long term. Leaders should continue this work, so that essential knowledge is precisely identified and sequenced from Reception to Year 6 in all subjects. For this reason, the transitional arrangements have been applied.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.