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The school's aim is to broaden pupils' horizons and raise aspiration.
This is realised exceptionally well through an exciting, well-designed curriculum. Effective teaching strategies help all pupils to remember knowledge in depth across subjects. Because of this, pupils make very strong progress through the curriculum.
The school embraces the diverse community and the array of languages that pupils speak. The many pupils who start school at different points during the year are included with warmth, sensitivity and kindness. Staff support pupils to learn the school's expectations.
Pupils are proud of their school. They love learning and achieve very well. ... Pupils feel safe and cared for.
Staff build strong relationships with pupils and families, creating an emotionally safe environment. Pupils have the confidence to speak out, and share ideas and worries. They know they will be listened to and supported.
The school values thread through school life and the curriculum. Pupils' aspirations are nurtured, with pupils guided to consider 'future me' and where their learning can take them. Pupils understand and celebrate their different backgrounds, demonstrating great respect for each other.
Leaders plan learning and enrichment opportunities deliberately. This is centred on their conviction that all pupils have an entitlement to exciting childhood experiences. Pupils especially like their residential trips.
For instance, Year 6 pupils enjoy staying in a chateau and practising their French. Pupils spoke excitedly of their numerous trips to museums and theatres.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is highly ambitious for all pupils, including the significant number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Learning is carefully sequenced so that pupils can build their knowledge, skills and vocabulary exceptionally well over time. In class, staff expertly deploy teaching methods which allow pupils to remember and apply key ideas. This is consistent across curriculum subjects.
Many pupils speak English as an additional language and leaders have thought carefully about how to ensure that all pupils access and learn the curriculum successfully. As part of this, staff emphasise the teaching of essential vocabulary. Another example is how teaching builds in time for pupils to discuss and rehearse their learning prior to answering.
Teachers swiftly pick up misconceptions at this point and reteach or explain learning further.
Children receive a very strong start to school in the early years. Staff skilfully guide children to understand the school's high expectations and daily routines.
In Nursery, children start the school day confidently, joining in with morning greetings, and talking about the weather and date. They independently explore the outdoor learning, for example when selecting appropriate equipment to explore the minibeasts. Children gain strong foundational knowledge in all areas of learning and readily apply what they know in different ways.
For instance, Reception children used their mathematical knowledge to identify numbers in their hopscotch game. Resources are chosen with care to aid pupils' understanding. In Year 2, for example, by using diagrams and resources, pupils, including those with SEND, accurately worked out fractions of quantities.
Teachers model learning effectively, providing the explicit steps that pupils need to succeed. Planned activities enable pupils to practise their understanding and build on prior knowledge very well. Pupils value recalling prior learning as they know it helps them to remember ideas.
Pupils produce work of a consistently high standard, showing the depth and scope of what they have learned. Pupils' outcomes in statutory assessments are well above average.
The school places a high priority on early reading for all pupils.
Thorough staff training enables a consistent approach to teaching of the phonics programme. Continual, purposeful assessment ensures that pupils are reading books matched to their phonics knowledge. Pupils make strong progress in their reading, including pupils with SEND.
Texts are carefully chosen across the school to support pupils' learning of the taught curriculum. Pupils access the school library with their parents and carers to enjoy books together. In early years, children have weekly shared reading with their parents and borrow books to enjoy at home.
The school builds strong relationships with parents. Parents value the communication and advice that they receive to support their children. Leaders have worked closely with families to promote the importance of high attendance and punctuality.
The school liaises with external agencies to put in place any additional help when families need it. This work has enabled attendance levels to improve greatly. Pupils want to be in school, they enjoy school life and have exceptional attitudes to learning.
Behaviour is exemplary across the school. High levels of engagement and focus during lessons ensure no disruption to learning.
Leaders are highly aware of the community context.
The personal development curriculum is carefully planned to help address social disadvantage. Pupils access a wealth of trips and clubs which enhance their learning of the curriculum. Pupils are proud of their leadership roles and the impact that these have on the school community.
For example, digital leaders help out in computing lessons and school council members ensure that everyone's voice is heard.
Staff are immensely proud to work at the school. They value the high levels of professional development and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across the trust.
The trust and local governance have a comprehensive understanding of the school's strengths. They work with leaders to ensure continued development and have shared high expectations for all pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.