Keir Hardie Primary School

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About Keir Hardie Primary School

Name Keir Hardie Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Violet Otieno
Address 13 Robertson Road, Canning Town, London, E16 1FZ
Phone Number 02074761284
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 462
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils learn exceptionally well at this school. All pupils are well nurtured and cared for by dedicated staff.

Pupils behave very well at all times. Pupils are happy and safe here. They can all name five trusted adults they can go to if they have any concerns.

Staff enable pupils to be inspired by the school's 'MAGIC' habits. This includes encouraging pupils to be highly motivated, independent and to communicate effectively.

School leaders have the highest aspirations for what pupils can achieve.

This is true for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There is a culture that aims for excellence across t...he curriculum and beyond. Pupils achieve highly at this school.

Leaders work carefully to promote an inclusive and welcoming environment. For instance, they promote the importance of equality and celebrate diversity. Teachers encourage pupils to feel responsible for the world around them and to be active citizens.

In school, pupils relish being digital leaders, prefects and sports leaders.

Governors are highly ambitious and committed to the success of the school. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the support their children receive at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge pupils will learn. Leaders identify carefully the subject content that pupils learn into a logical order. This enables pupils to remember what they have previously learned confidently.

All this starts in the early years, where children flourish. Staff support children to be creative. For example, children learned to explore colours and collage when observing cherry blossom and signs of spring.

Staff enable pupils to develop their knowledge and skills deeply across all subjects. For example, in religious education (RE), pupils developed their understanding about festivals, different belief systems and explained parables confidently. The early years curriculum provides children with a thorough grounding, particularly in number and language.

Staff support children to count to 20 confidently. Staff across the school check pupils' understanding rigorously. They address any misconceptions quickly so that pupils are fully ready for future learning.

Reading is a high priority. School leaders ensure that all staff are trained to be experts in teaching phonics. They provide staff with regular training and support.

Through accurate assessment, the school is quick to spot pupils who need extra help with their reading. Staff provide specific support to help any pupils who need to catch up effectively. The school library is used regularly by pupils.

They enjoy choosing books from a range of classical writers, such as Shakespeare and Jane Austen. In early years, staff read stories and rhymes to children regularly.The school ensures that pupils with SEND receive bespoke support.

Leaders identify and meet the needs of pupils in a timely way. Staff provide adaptations to pupils' learning skilfully. This helps pupils with SEND to access curriculum content successfully.

Pupils produce work of a high standard.

The behaviour of pupils is of a high standard in lessons and as they move around the school. The Nursery and Reception years are calm and inviting learning environments.

Pupils eagerly come to school each day, and attendance is now high. Where there are any slight dips in pupils' attendance, the school acts quickly and effectively to ensure that pupils attend regularly.

The school develops pupils' wider development impressively.

This includes through a very well thought-out programme of RE and personal, social and health education. Staff aspire for pupils to leave the school as empathetic, kind and ready for life in modern Britain. There are regular visits to a wide range of places of worship.

Pupils listen to guest speakers from different backgrounds. They are taught about keeping healthy.

Staff are very well supported by school leaders and governors.

The school takes staff's workload, well-being and career professional development seriously. This means that staff become highly skilled very quickly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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