Kempsford Church of England Primary School

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About Kempsford Church of England Primary School

Name Kempsford Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Mrs Helen Seward
Address High Street, Kempsford, Fairford, GL7 4EY
Phone Number 01285810367
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 79
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils get on well at Kempsford Church of England School. Parents are positive about the school.

Many of them comment on the commitment of staff.

Pupils are generally attentive in class. Pupils say sometimes it is noisy, but this does not disrupt learning to any great extent.

Pupils say that bullying does not happen. A group of older pupils said, 'If there is (bullying), I have never seen it.' Pupils trust staff to resolve difficulties or they work through differences themselves.

Pupils are routinely challenged to apply the knowledge they have learned, for example, reasoning is a regular part of the mathematics curriculum. Pupils receive extra suppor...t if they fall behind in learning the curriculum. This helps some pupils to close the gaps in their knowledge, However, some teaching is not precise enough to help these pupils make the best possible progress.

Pupils enjoy a rich school life that goes beyond the academic. For example, most pupils take the opportunity to attend at least one of a wide range of after-school clubs. Pupils benefit from strong links with the local community.

Older pupils share in the running of the school. For example, they can be on the school council or be a librarian.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils.

They work hard to ensure the school has a caring ethos. There are a significant number of new staff since the previous inspection.

Leaders have focused on designing coherent and sequenced learning across the curriculum.

The curriculum design sets out the knowledge that pupils need to learn as they progress through the school. As a result, pupils typically build upon what they know well. However, in some areas, teaching does not provide learning to meet the curriculum intent well enough.

In the early years, the curriculum supports children's development well. Teachers provide learning to enable children to deepen their understanding through their play. The curriculum prepares children well for the curriculum in key stage 1.

Leaders have put in place effective systems to check what pupils know and need to learn. This ensures that pupils who may fall behind are identified. Pupils receive extra support if they need it.

However, some of this support does not help pupils to catch up quickly enough.

Leaders give reading a high profile and promote a love of reading. Pupils read every day.

Pupils enjoy the class stories, the 'book hook'. Leaders select books linked to the school values to provoke thinking about the moral of the story.

Leaders ensure there is a consistent approach to teaching phonics.

The sounds that letters make are routinely practised which helps pupils to remember them. Teachers identify pupils who have fallen behind and give them extra help. These pupils make some progress but do not have sufficient opportunities to practise using the sounds in order to read fluently.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities follow the school's curriculum. Staff adapt learning to meet pupils' individual needs well.

Pupils' emotional well-being is a high priority.

Leaders ensure pastoral support is available when needed. For example, a digital 'worry box' is being installed in every class. This allows pupils who find communication difficult to share worries.

Pupils behave well and are typically attentive in lessons. Staff want pupils to understand why a problem with behaviour has occurred. They help pupils to think about how to change the causes so that the problem can be managed better in the future.

The school's curriculum strengthens pupils' personal development well. They learn the importance of being respectful and caring for others through assemblies and the curriculum. Staff are positive role models.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe in many aspects of everyday life.

Leaders support staff well-being. There is a strong working relationship between governors, leaders and staff.

This allows for well-informed challenge and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong safeguarding culture.

Staff and leaders are clear on their roles and responsibilities. Concerns are raised appropriately and in a timely manner. Leaders seek support from external agencies when needed.

Pupils know about healthy relationships. They are aware of online risks and know how to seek help if something upsetting happens. Trusting relationships within the school give pupils confidence to share concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teaching does not provide learning which meets the curriculum intent well enough. As a result, some pupils are not progressing through the curriculum as well as they could. Leaders need to focus on developing the subject content knowledge to ensure learning helps pupils build their knowledge over time.

• Some pupils who are behind in their learning, including in reading, do not receive the precise support they need to catch up quickly enough. This slows pupils' learning. Leaders need to ensure that pupils who are behind in their learning, get the support they need to close gaps as quickly as possible.

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