Kempston Rural Primary School

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About Kempston Rural Primary School

Name Kempston Rural Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms EJ Kelly
Address Martell Drive, Kempston, MK42 7FJ
Phone Number 01234854286
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 440
Local Authority Bedford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and enjoy learning at Kempston Rural. Their attendance is high. They welcome newcomers and visitors warmly.

Pupils are proud of their school and their achievements. They treat others with kindness and respect.

Pupils behave exceptionally well, in and out of lessons.

They are motivated and enthusiastic learners. This begins in the early years. Here, children quickly learn how to play and learn alongside others.

Lessons flow smoothly, and little learning time is lost. At playtimes and lunchtimes, pupils play and socialise with one another very well. Everyone gets on well together.

Disagreements are very rare. Pupils are well c...ared for and kept safe. They know that staff will help with any worries.

Staff are ambitious for pupils' academic achievement. Pupils strive to do their best. Many achieve well.

Pupils enjoy learning the school's broad and interesting curriculum. They leave well prepared for learning at secondary school.

Pupils learn about rights and responsibilities.

They respect and celebrate differences. Pupils' actions reflect how they try to be 'useful and kind' in all that they do. They enjoy earning and spending their 'Kempston Coins' for the jobs that they do in the school community.

They learn that 'you don't get something for nothing'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has constructed a well-thought-through curriculum. The school's curriculum plans set out the knowledge that pupils will learn in each subject, from one year to the next, in a logical order.

This helps teachers plan sequences of lessons that build on what pupils already know and that revisit important learning. In most subjects, where these plans are well established, pupils achieve well. In a few subjects, these plans are new.

The school introduced them because pupils could do even better in these subjects. However, it will take time for these plans to make the difference leaders intend.

Teachers encourage pupils to think about what they are learning and how it links to what they already know.

They check pupils' understanding and ensure that any misconceptions are addressed. Occasionally, teachers do not ensure that pupils' written work, in subjects other than English, reflects the true depth of their understanding.

The school ensures that the teaching of reading is a high priority.

Staff have the expertise needed to teach reading and phonics effectively. Children in the Nursery class are introduced to a range of stories and rhymes. They learn to explore different types of books and retell stories.

Pupils are supported to read with fluency and understanding. They apply their phonics knowledge well. Teachers are quick to spot pupils who struggle with reading.

They make sure pupils get the help they need so that almost all pupils catch up if they fall behind. The school thinks carefully about the books that teachers read with their classes. Pupils get to read a wide range of high-quality texts that widen their horizons.

Many pupils develop a genuine love of reading.

Most pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to learn the curriculum successfully. However, staff do not identify some pupils' needs precisely enough.

This means teachers do not provide the support that will help some pupils with SEND to make the most progress possible in their learning and independence. The school does not always share what it is doing to support pupils with SEND effectively with parents.

The school ensures that pupils have opportunities to develop their character.

Through earning 'Kempston Coins,' pupils develop attributes such as resilience and learn about the world of work and the responsibilities that come with it. A variety of clubs and activities, which are accessible to all, allow pupils to follow their interests and talents. This is reflected in pupils' positive behaviour and strong relationships.

Pupils use democracy to improve the school and support the local community. Pupils' learning about some aspects of relationships, sex and health education is more recent. This means that they have had fewer opportunities to learn about the signs, symptoms and solutions to unhealthy relationships, for example.

The school's work to promote pupils' good behaviour and their positive attitudes to learning is a particular strength. Children in the early years learn to follow sensible rules and routines. They understand why these are important.

Pupils understand the expectations for how to behave and treat others. They take responsibility for their own behaviour. They learn to make the right behavioural choices.

The school ensures that staff develop their expertise so that they can improve and ensure that pupils receive an even better quality of education. Changes are made in pupils' best interests. Governors provide an appropriate balance of challenge and support to leaders.

They recognise what could be even better.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The needs of some pupils with SEND, and in particular for some who do not have an education, health and care plan, are not identified precisely.

This means that outcomes and targets that are set and the provision put in place are not fully effective in meeting pupils' specific needs. The school does not always communicate effectively with parents about the provision that it is providing for these pupils. The school should ensure that the needs of all pupils with SEND are identified precisely so that appropriate provision and adaptations to the curriculum are made.

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