Kentisbeare Church of England Primary School

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About Kentisbeare Church of England Primary School

Name Kentisbeare Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Danielle Joyce
Address Fore Street, Kentisbeare, Cullompton, EX15 2AD
Phone Number 01884266330
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 152
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The relentless determination of the head of school, well supported by the executive headteacher, governors, leaders and staff, has successfully improved the school since the previous inspection.

However, those middle leaders who are relatively newly appointed have not yet had time to fully develop their roles to have a significant impact on the wider curriculum and pupils' outcomes. Governance has improved since the last inspection. Governors now provide the right level of support and challenge to help drive improvement.

Overall, teaching, learning and assessment are good. Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to develop pupils' lea...rning in a wide range of subjects. However, in mathematics, pupils are not consistently challenged to achieve their best.

Consequently, they do not meet the higher standards expected of them. The teaching of phonics has been effective and underpins the development of early reading and writing. Outdoor learning is a key strength of the school as it enriches the curriculum and gives pupils opportunities to apply skills purposefully and meaningfully.

The curriculum makes good provision for pupils' spiritual, moral, and social development, but is not as well planned to promote their cultural understanding and this limits their preparedness for modern British society. Early years provision is good. Children make good progress as a result of good teaching.

They are well prepared for key stage 1. Pupils' achievement has improved significantly since the last inspection. In national assessments in 2016, pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 achieved well in reading, writing and mathematics.

All groups of pupils, including those who have special needs and or/disabilities, and the most able disadvantaged pupils, make good progress. Arrangements for keeping children safe are well managed. Pupils told inspectors that they felt safe in school and well cared for by the adults who work there.

The pupils live out the values underpinning the school's work. They show great respect for each other, for all staff and their environment. As a result, the school is an exciting and pleasant place to be.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school is smaller than the average primary school. The vast majority of pupils come from a White British background.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported through the pupil premium is well below average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities receiving school support is above the average. The proportion of pupils supported with a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is also above the average.

The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. The children are taught in single age classes. Early years provision is full time in the early years foundation stage, which also has part-time provision for three-year-olds.

The school has had a turnover of over half its teaching staff since the previous inspection. Kentisbeare CofE VC Primary School is part of a federation of three schools (Culm Valley Federation): Culmstock Primary, Kentisbeare Primary, and Plymtree Primary. It is overseen by a single governing body and an executive headteacher.

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