Kenton Bar Primary School

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About Kenton Bar Primary School

Name Kenton Bar Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Head Teacher Mrs Elaine Boardman
Address Ryal Walk, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 3YF
Phone Number 01912860536
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 326
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Kenton Bar are happy, friendly and proud of their school. They embody the school's values, which include teamwork, kindness and respect.

Pupils have an exceptional appreciation of diversity. They talk about how they like that they 'have a diverse school'. Pupils of all backgrounds and ethnicities thrive in the harmonious and nurturing ethos that leaders have crafted.

The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement. Many pupils enter school with low starting points. The school puts support in place to ensure that pupils generally learn well.

Most pupils secure and embed their learning over time. Behaviour throughout school is positive. Where... pupils may struggle with their behaviour at times, staff deal with this swiftly.

Well-trained staff, who fulfil their responsibilities with diligence, ensure that pupils are safe. Pupils' pastoral needs are a high priority. The school's 'no outsiders' approach means that pupils across the school know that 'no one is the same, but everyone is equal'.

Parents value the work that the school does, including for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They talk about their children who 'love to come to school' and describe the school as 'warm and welcoming'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have ensured that high-quality subject curriculums are in place across school.

These curriculums cater well for the high proportion of disadvantaged pupils, including those with SEND, and those who speak English as an additional language. The school identifies pupils' needs swiftly. Effective support helps many of these pupils to successfully access the curriculum.

The small number of pupils who access the school's specially resourced provision for pupils with SEND (specially resourced provision) access an appropriate education. Their needs are met well.

From children's first days in early years, there is a focus on speech, language and communication.

Children become confident and articulate individuals who can communicate well. This prepares them successfully for the next stage of their education. Phonics teaching builds on these strong foundations for those at the early stages of learning to read.

Those who fall behind get the support they need to catch up. Pupils become increasingly confident and fluent readers. They have positive attitudes to reading.

Older pupils describe reading for pleasure as 'like a holiday in your head' and it 'inspires me to write my own book one day'.

Published outcomes do not adequately reflect the quality of education in the school. They do not show the impact of the work that the school has done to ensure pupils learn well from their starting points.

Pupils build a bank of knowledge and skills as they move through the school. For instance, they talk with understanding about different artists' use of colour and tone. Pupils make meaningful links between different subject areas.

For example, they make links between physical education, mathematics and science when looking at the effect of exercise on pulse rate. The school uses checks on learning to identify gaps in knowledge and address these. In some lessons, activity choices are not appropriate.

At times, they do not allow pupils to secure the knowledge that the school intends. Sometimes, in mathematics lessons, the work set does not give pupils sufficient opportunity to apply their knowledge to problem-solving activities. The school's work to improve in this area is not securely embedded.

Over time, the school has reduced levels of pupil absence. Attendance is high. Pupils enjoy coming to school.

A new behaviour approach in school has had significant impact. Pupils are respectful and considerate of others. Classrooms are orderly and calm.

The school's personal development programme is exemplary. Pupils' spiritual development is carefully considered. Pupils of different faiths and ethnicities demonstrate a secure knowledge of other religions.

Their acceptance and celebration of difference is remarkable. Pupils develop a strong moral compass. Over their time in school, pupils have numerous opportunities to contribute positively to the school and the wider community.

Their voice is heard throughout the school. For example, they are instrumental in making changes around play equipment and extra-curricular clubs. A programme of enrichment and educational visits is comprehensive and well-designed.

The school's oracy programme has significant impact. Pupils contribute to debate in a considered and highly respectful manner. Pupils are prepared exceptionally well for life in modern Britain.

Governors and trustees share a clear intent to provide the best education for pupils. They are well informed and highly knowledgeable. They offer support and challenge to school leaders.

Staff are extremely positive about the school. Leaders have engaged effectively with staff to ensure developments across the taught curriculum have not impacted negatively on staff workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The pedagogical and activity choices made in some subjects do not emphasise the important knowledge that pupils should learn. This means that some pupils do not learn as well as they could. The school should ensure that staff are supported to make appropriate pedagogical and activity choices so that pupils' learning more closely matches the curriculum intent.

• At times, work set in mathematics lessons does not give pupils sufficient opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge to problem solving and reasoning activities. This means that some pupils do not develop a secure level of mathematical understanding to prepare them for the next stage in their education. The school should ensure that its work to increase pupils' opportunities to access problem solving and reasoning activities is embedded securely in classroom practice.

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