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Kents Hill Park, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes, MK7 6BZ
Phone Number
Free schools
Age Range
Religious Character
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils are proud of their school, especially those who have attended since it opened. They embrace the school's motto of 'Work hard, be kind' in lessons. Pupils work hard and are keen to achieve.
From the very start of Reception, children benefit from a broad and rich curriculum. Staff use their strong subject knowledge to help pupils learn well across all subjects. Teachers help pupils to develop confidence.
For example, older pupils enjoy supporting younger children to practise their reading skills.
Staff successfully help pupils to understand how they are expected to behave in lessons. Leaders encourage even the youngest pupils to be considerate of others ...through the 'manners curriculum'.
Consequently, pupils throughout the primary and secondary phases are respectful and polite.
Many pupils told inspectors that they feel safe and are happy at Kents Hill Park. Although bullying does happen sometimes, leaders take effective action to deal with any unkindness or concerns.
A small minority of pupils and parents and carers told inspectors that they feel that staff do not deal with bullying effectively. Pupils feel they have staff whom they can talk to if they have a worry or concern.
Children in early years get off to the best possible start.
Their learning space is vibrant and inspiring. It provides children with opportunities to learn vital knowledge and skills.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Leaders ensure that the curriculum builds from early years and takes into account end-points beyond the school. The well-sequenced curriculum enables pupils to recall what they have learned before. Staff ensure that new learning builds on existing knowledge and skills.
Most staff regularly check pupils' understanding of their work using school-wide assessment strategies. However, not all staff make detailed checks to ensure that pupils fully understand what they have learned. The most able pupils think deeply about their work.
Leaders have ensured that pupils with SEND have individualised plans to support them in lessons. Teachers use this information to make adaptations to the curriculum to enable these pupils to succeed. Carefully targeted intervention helps many pupils catch up quickly, for example in mathematics and reading.
There is a consistent approach to the delivery of the curriculum throughout both the primary and secondary phases. This is because of the high-quality training staff receive. Staff welcome the weekly development time to discuss how to make learning more effective for pupils.
Pupils of all ages study a broad range of subjects. The subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate are at the heart of the curriculum in the secondary phase. As this is a growing school, leaders have recently strengthened the teaching of modern foreign languages to encourage more pupils to opt for these subjects in the future.
Reading is a high priority throughout the school. From the minute they join the school, children in early years learn to read. Well-trained staff teach phonics.
Children quickly pick up the sounds they need to know. Staff model effective reading habits. There is a focus on pupils developing fluency in their reading as soon as they can.
There is an effective programme of support in place for older pupils who still find reading challenging. These pupils take part in specific activities to broaden their vocabulary, deepen their reading skills or improve their reading fluency. Mathematics teaching is systematic and strong.
Children in early years develop mathematical confidence and fluency. Building on this, pupils in the secondary phase go on to learn complex mathematical reasoning and proof.
Behaviour across the school is strong in lessons.
Staff use a common approach to gain and maintain attention. The youngest children are taught how to cooperate and share. Staff set high expectations for behaviour in class.
However, conduct outside lessons, especially in the secondary phase, is not as strong. A small number of pupils are noisy and do not take into account the narrowness of some corridors when they move between lessons.
A comprehensive personal, health, social, citizenship and relationships education (PHSCRE) programme teaches pupils, among other things, about careers and future employment possibilities.
Pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain. They learn about multicultural and multi-faith societies. A comprehensive range of assemblies, and trips and visits all contribute to the successful delivery of the PHSCRE programme.
Governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders at the school. The trust provides extensive experience of developing new schools. Leaders at all levels benefit from coaching and professional development opportunities.
Staff feel that leaders take their workload into account when they focus on improving standards for pupils. Governors have a detailed understanding of their statutory duties and ensure that leaders fulfil them effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Safeguarding is a priority of this school. Leaders, including governors, are meticulous in how they protect children from harm. The experienced designated safeguarding lead is supported by knowledgeable pastoral staff.
Staff know pupils well and are alert to the local risks faced by pupils.
Staff receive timely and appropriate training, so they know how to respond to safeguarding concerns. There are clear systems in place to record concerns, and leaders respond to these swiftly and in an effective manner.
There are many opportunities in the curriculum for pupils to learn how to stay safe. For example, in the PHSCRE curriculum, pupils are taught about online safety and safe relationships.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some staff do not check that pupils have learned the key content of the curriculum.
Consequently, some pupils sometimes have gaps in their learning. Leaders should ensure that all teachers carefully check pupils' understanding and support staff to swiftly identify and address misconceptions. ? Some pupils' behaviour outside lessons, especially in the secondary phase, does not meet leaders' high expectations.
This can sometimes interrupt the smooth movement of pupils around the school. Leaders should ensure that the systems to manage behaviour are consistently used by staff to promote positive behaviour at all times. ? Some pupils and parents are concerned about the actions taken by leaders to address bullying.
They are not confident that bullying is addressed, when in fact it is. Leaders should strengthen their work to promote the whole-school strategies to prevent bullying and explain the firm action they take when it occurs. As part of this ongoing work, leaders should continue to consult with parents and pupils about how well they feel bullying is dealt with.