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This is an outstanding school The headteacher, trustees and other senior leaders share a clear vision, focusing on pupils' character and academic achievement. Staff implement the vision very effectively, and pupils receive an outstanding education. Leaders know the school very well.
They know what works well and are ambitious for even better provision. Governors and trustees provide leaders with very effective support and challenge. This ensures that the school continues to improve.
Pupils benefit from excellent teaching across all subjects and year groups. The staff training programme which leaders provide is carefully planned, well resourced and fully effect...ive. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge.
They use this knowledge skilfully to assess, secure and extend pupils' learning. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. This supports pupils' excellent attitudes to learning.
The curriculum meets pupils' interests and needs. Pupils consistently benefit from stretch and challenge through deeper thinking. Pupils make excellent progress.
They reach high standards in a wide range of subjects, including English and mathematics. Leaders are committed to equality. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well.
The management of the additional funding provided for disadvantaged pupils is excellent. These pupils make very strong progress. Pupils' conduct around the school is orderly and sensible.
Pupils respond positively to the systems in place, which ensures that they behave exceptionally well. Pupils' attendance is excellent. Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is strong.
Pupils respect themselves and others. A strong culture of safeguarding exists throughout the school. Pupils say staff know them and care about their well-being.
The sixth form opened in 2017. It is well led. The students with whom inspectors spoke had only good things to say about it.
Leaders have high expectations for students. Every current Year 13 student has been accepted on to the next step of their choice. Students achieve well in the sixth form overall.
However, despite a rapid and secure improvement in Year 12, students' progress does not consistently match the higher standard seen in the rest of the school.
Information about this school
The school is an academy within The Great Schools Trust. The Great Schools Trust comprises three schools, with a fourth school opening in September 2019.
The board of trustees is accountable for the school and a clear scheme of delegation exists between trustees and the local governing body. The chair of the local governing body meets regularly with the chief executive officer and the trust. The school started to enrol students into its sixth form from September 2017.
There are now 78 students in Year 12 and Year 13. Nearly all pupils are of White British heritage and speak English as their home language. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below the national average.
The proportion of pupils with SEND is broadly in line with the national average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is above the national average. The school does not currently use alternative providers for pupils.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.