King’s Oak Primary School

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About King’s Oak Primary School

Name King’s Oak Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head teacher Mr Robert Morley-Smith
Address Oak Road, Bedford, MK42 0HH
Phone Number 01234220480
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 1-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 767
Local Authority Bedford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Kings Oak are offered exciting learning experiences that are preparing them well for the future. Pupils are supported to become responsible and active citizens of their community.

They know that school is a safe and happy place to learn.

Pupils learn enthusiastically about the qualities they need for success. For example, they learn about challenging themselves, inspired by the actions of one of the school's chosen role models, Captain Tom.

Pupils value, and put into action, the important qualities they learn about.

Pupils are nurtured and well cared for. When they need help with their learning or emotional needs, specialised support is qui...ckly put in place.

Pupils know they are valued as individuals and said that they are treated fairly. Pupils are confident that staff will sort out any worries or concerns they may have. No form of discrimination or bullying is acceptable, and if it occurs pupils know it is sorted out straight away.

Pupils' talents and interests are valued. Pupils say that adults encourage them to be independent and to take on responsibilities. They can develop their leadership skills through a range of activities, including being a member of the school council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Recently appointed leaders have worked with impressive vision to bring about lasting change. They have identified weaknesses in the school and responded quickly. This has made sure all pupils have access to a broad curriculum, that meets suits and their needs.

Leaders have carefully considered what they want pupils to know so they access a curriculum that prepares them for life in modern Britain.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge and this contributes to lessons that interest pupils. Teachers use of assessment in core subjects is well established.

Teachers support pupils with helpful feedback that ensures pupils feel confident to try their hardest. However, in a small number of subjects, such as history, teachers are not making consistent use of information collected about what pupils know. Leaders have been working to improve this.

Many subject leaders fulfil their roles to monitor and support the quality of the curriculum to improve. A few subject leaders, who are newer to their roles, have less confidence making sure subject curriculum plans are applied consistently well. Senior leaders and governors have started to provide training to help subject leaders complete the important work.

Leaders have shown dedication in improving the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The special educational needs coordinator has made sure the individual needs of pupils are a high priority. Precise and personalised strategies support these pupils to access the curriculum effectively.

This means pupils with SEND, including the most vulnerable pupils, can learn alongside their peers.

Leaders' commitment to the importance of reading is supporting all pupils to achieve. Pupils are given texts to read that match their phonics knowledge.

This is supporting them to practise regularly and develop their confidence. Books are highly valued. They are made accessible by being displayed creatively throughout the school.

Older children in the school with gaps in their reading fluency receive daily support and this is supporting them to feel confident with reading.

Leaders' clear expectations for behaviour are consistently followed throughout the school, including at playtimes. Calm, purposeful behaviour in classrooms gives pupils space to think and try their best.

Incidents of disruption are quickly responded to, so learning is not disrupted.

Early years is a happy and safe environment where learning encourages independence. Adults have an impressive understanding of the needs of each child.

This leads to personalised experiences that help prepare each child for their next steps. Children are responsible and manage themselves well in key transitions, such as moving to their phonics group and between activities. Adults model key vocabulary in all interactions.

This supports children with their early language development.

Leaders have created a vibrant environment to support pupils to succeed more widely. Staff are united in their dedication to support pupils to develop strong principles.

Pupils demonstrate a respectful understanding of diversity and difference. For example, they can speak knowledgeably about different faiths and beliefs within their school community. There are many opportunities in school for pupils to develop their individual talents.

This enhances pupils' personal development.

Governors understand their roles and carry out their duties well. They challenge leaders effectively and question what they are told.

This means they can support leaders to make the right decisions to improve the school. Parents value the changes leaders have made to improve the school, especially in the provision for pupils with SEND.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and learning mentors in the school have established a culture where pupils are comfortable to share their views and know how to keep safe. Pupils say they can go to all adults if they need help.

Staff know pupils very well.

They provide a place for pupils, including the most vulnerable, to feel secure and listened to.

Leaders follow up concerns swiftly and keep precise records to support pupils' well-being. Leaders liaise with external agencies to make sure they have the right information to keep pupils safe.

All adults are well trained in their roles and responsibilities to keep pupils safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few areas of the curriculum, teachers do not consistently adapt lessons using the information they collect about what pupils know. For a minority of pupils this means that knowledge may not be fully embedded before they move on to new learning.

Leaders should continue the work started to make sure teachers make consistently effective use of assessment information to inform what they are teaching. This will support all pupils to use what they know and remember fluently throughout the curriculum. ? A small number of subject leaders are new to their roles.

They have less experience of knowing how the established curriculum plans build pupils' knowledge over time, starting with learning in the early years. This can mean that monitoring does not always quickly identify the minor inconsistencies in the way these subjects are taught and assessed. Senior leaders should ensure that the work started to further develop subject leaders continues to ensure pupils achieve well throughout the curriculum.

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