King Athelstan Primary School

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About King Athelstan Primary School

Name King Athelstan Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Emily Newton
Address Villiers Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 3AR
Phone Number 02085468210
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 451
Local Authority Kingston upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

In accordance with section 13 (5) of the Education Act 2005, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector is of the opinion that the school no longer requires significant improvement.

The school has improved significantly since the previous inspection and it now provides a good quality of education for pupils. One parent or carer wrote, 'I have seen so many positive changes in the last year which are commendable.' This is largely due to the dedicated leadership of the headteacher and the enthusiastic team of staff and governors.

School leaders have an accurate understanding of the strengths of the school and a clear view of what more needs to be done. They have had a relentless focus on raising attainment b...y improving the quality of teaching so that it is now good. Their track record of bringing about rapid improvement shows that they have good capacity for sustained improvement.

The Early Years Foundation Stage provides children with a good start to school. This good start is successfully built on so that, by the end of Year 6, pupils' attainment in English and mathematics is average, although it is higher in English than it is in mathematics. Throughout the school, all pupils make good progress in English and mathematics.

This is because the school has rigorous systems in place to assess and track their achievement, and to put into place actions to support those pupils who are at risk of falling behind. However, there are not yet enough opportunities for pupils to work independently or apply their mathematical skills to practical problem-solving situations, and guidance on work to be completed in mathematics is not always sufficiently clear. The quality of teaching varies but it is good overall.

The curriculum is mostly well planned to provide a stimulating range of activities to meet the needs and interests of pupils. Most teachers' planning is thorough and learning activities are carefully chosen so that pupils learn skills sequentially. Occasionally, teachers plan too many different learning activities which are insufficiently focused and, sometimes, lessons proceed at too fast a pace.

On these occasions pupils do not consolidate or develop their knowledge and understanding as well as they might. Teachers mark pupils' work conscientiously, and take the opportunity to point their pupils towards the next steps in learning, and give them time to respond to the improvements suggested. Pupils behave well throughout the school and they are enthusiastic learners.

They enjoy school and this is reflected in their attendance which is now above average. In addition to developing good workplace habits such as cooperation, resilience and teamwork, their attainment in English and in mathematics prepares them well for the next stage of their learning. The quality of care, guidance and support provided for pupils is good.

The school makes good use of partnerships such as those with agencies from the local authority to support their work with pupils, particularly those whose circumstances make them more vulnerable. The school does much to promote its place within the local community and has good partnerships with local organisations and schools. The governing body together with staff have created a cohesive learning community in which the contribution of all pupils, parents and carers is valued.

Information about the school

This school is larger than average. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is much higher than usual. About two thirds of pupils are from minority ethnic groups other than White British and over half the pupils speak English as an additional language.

The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is average. A higher number of pupils than usual leave or join the school part-way through the year. There is a breakfast club which is managed by the governing body.

The school has recently entered into a collaborative partnership with a neighbouring primary school. The school has gained a number of awards including Healthy Schools and Basic Skills Quality Mark. The Kingston Town Centre Children's Centre, located on the school site, will be inspected separately.

Also at this postcode
KOOSA Kids Holiday and After School Club at King Athelstan Primary School, Kingston’

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