King Edward VII School

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About King Edward VII School

Name King Edward VII School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Linda Gooden
Address Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW
Phone Number 01142662518
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1733
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have taken robust action to address the significant safeguarding weaknesses evident at the time of the last inspection.

They have worked closely with colleagues from the local authority to ensure that the culture, systems and processes in place to keep pupils safe are effective.

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum, including for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders have improved the use of assessment across the school by introducing the 'KES structured autonomy model' to ensure a consistent approach to delivering the curriculum and assessing pupils' progress.

Although there is variation in the wider supp...ort available for pupils with SEND, the quality of this support is improving.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and conduct. Most pupils behave very well in lessons and at social times.

This includes students in the sixth form. Most pupils say bullying is rare. Pupils who spoke to inspectors knew who to report any concerns to.

Pupils also commented that, as a result of many of the improvements in school made following the previous inspection, they felt significantly more confident that staff would deal with issues swiftly.

Pupils' personal development is prioritised by leaders. Leaders encourage pupils, including sixth-form students, to develop independence and resilience, for example through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils and students benefit from a challenging curriculum that prepares them well for their next stages of education, employment and training. Leaders have carefully considered the knowledge that pupils should learn and the order in which this content should be delivered. Leaders have organised topics logically so that pupils can build securely on what they already know.

For example, in languages pupils learn about Spanish food in Year 7. This topic continues progressively to the sixth form, where students develop an in-depth understanding of traditional Spanish celebrations to complement their understanding of the language.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

In most subjects, they use this knowledge to select appropriate learning activities for pupils. They routinely present new ideas with clarity. This supports pupils to learn the intended curriculum.

Pupils with SEND make good progress across the curriculum. However, some of the information that teachers receive through SEND support plans is not precise enough. This means that there are inconsistencies in how some staff support pupils with SEND.

Leaders have introduced new assessment systems to check how well pupils are learning the curriculum. In most subjects, teachers make good use of assessment strategies in the classroom to identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge. Leaders' assessment systems help staff to adapt the curriculum, revisiting and consolidating earlier learning when needed.

Further work is planned by leaders to ensure this approach to assessment is consistent across all subjects.

Leaders assess pupils when they enter the school to establish each pupil's reading ability. Leaders provide a range of interventions to support pupils who need extra help to read fluently.

A small number of pupils require phonics support to help them fully access the curriculum. At present, these pupils are not consistently receiving the support they need to become confident readers.

Pupils' attendance is high and they demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning.

Pupils behave well and pupils' learning is rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. Leaders use suspension appropriately, but some pupil groups are overrepresented in suspension data. Students in the sixth form are punctual to lessons.

They demonstrate an appetite to learn. For example, students regularly debate in a mature manner using the target language associated with the subject they are studying.

The curriculum is enriched by a wide range of additional activities, including trips and visits from theatre companies and other organisations.

The school continues to have a rich extra-curricular offer. Leaders do not, however, analyse participation data in detail to identify any potential barriers to participation for some pupils. Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe and healthy, including online.

Most pupils remember important messages about healthy relationships. A new adult life skills programme has been introduced to the sixth form. Leaders recognise that this programme still needs to be fully embedded.

Some sixth-form students' knowledge of different religions and the protected characteristic is less secure than others.

Pupils in all year groups learn about future careers and there are many opportunities to meet local and national employers. Pupils in Year 10 benefit from work experience.

Pupils regularly visit colleges and universities.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have taken effective action to improve the school. Leaders engage positively with external agencies to source additional expertise where it is required.

Since the previous inspection, leaders have established clear improvement plans and these have been monitored closely by governors. Staff are appreciative of the ways in which leaders support their well-being. Staff told inspectors that leaders take their workload into account when addressing school improvement priorities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Following the previous inspection, leaders have worked effectively alongside the local authority to address the significant weaknesses related to safeguarding. This important work has been prioritised by leaders.

For example, leaders have understood and assessed the risks of pupils leaving the site during the school day. Pupils' movement on and off the school site at lunchtime is carefully monitored.All staff receive high-quality training, with regular updates on important safeguarding messages.

Leaders check that staff have the knowledge that they need to keep pupils safe. Staff know the signs that suggest a pupil may be at risk of harm. Adults promptly report any concerns they have.

Leaders take swift action to ensure that pupils are safe. Where necessary, leaders refer concerns to appropriate external agencies.

Leaders make appropriate checks on pupils who access alternative provision.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The strategies in place to support some pupils with SEND are not precise enough. As such, the quality of the support in place for some pupils with SEND is variable. Leaders should ensure that staff receive clear information on how to support pupils with SEND and then check that this is being implemented consistently across all subjects.

• Some pupils who require additional support with phonics are not receiving the help they need. This means that they are not developing into fluent and confident readers. Leaders need to ensure that pupils at the early stages of reading receive the support they need to develop their phonics knowledge.

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