Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy

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About Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy

Name Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Gemma Vincent
Address 40 The Ride, Enfield, EN3 7GB
Phone Number 02083449890
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 444
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school. Children make excellent progress in the Nursery and Reception classes. Pupils continue to reach high levels of attainment in Year 1.

Pupils of all abilities make exceptional progress as a result of outstanding teaching. Any gaps in achievement between groups of pupils are closing rapidly as they move through the early years of their education. Staff have consistently high expectations for all pupils and plan lessons which are exciting and challenging for pupils of all abilities.

Absolute consistency across the academy in terms of behaviour management means that pupils have confidence in the adults around them and can concentrate ...fully on their learning. Pupils are active and enthusiastic participants in lessons. They quickly develop excellent attitudes to learning and enjoy taking on responsibilities.

Senior leaders are relentless in their pursuit of excellence. They are totally committed to ensuring that every pupil in the academy achieves their full potential. Together with a highly-skilled team of teachers, they are ensuring very high standards of achievement.

Alongside the governing body and academy trust, leaders are strongly committed to the development of the staff team. They invest in training for staff that ensures the academy has capacity to improve further as it expands. The academy trust has provided guidance and support through the skilful recruitment of experienced governors and advisers.

Governance is strong and leaders are held to account for standards in the academy. Parents are highly supportive of the academy. They are particularly happy with pupils' behaviour and the rate of progress their children make.

Information about this school

Kingfisher Hall Primary Academy was established under the government's free school programme. It is part of a larger academy trust. This academy is currently smaller than the averaged-sized primary school, with only three year groups from Nursery to Year 1.

Two new classes are being added each year until the academy reaches its capacity with pupils from Nursery to Year 6. The academy opened an additional part-time nursery class in January 2014 due to local demand. The proportion of pupils from ethnic minority groups is well above average.

The main groups are Black Caribbean, Black Other, Turkish, Black Nigerian, Black Ghanaian and White British. Just under a third of the pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs supported at school action is broadly average.

The proportion of pupils supported through school action plus is below average and no pupil has a statement of educational needs. Over a third of the pupils are known to be eligible for additional support through pupil premium funding. This is additional government funding for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and those in local authority care.

This proportion is above the national average. It is not possible to assess pupils' achievement against the government's current floor standards which set the minimum expectation for pupils' attainment and progress. This is because the oldest pupils in the academy are currently in Year 1.

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