Kings Cross Academy

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About Kings Cross Academy

Name Kings Cross Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stephen Mitchell
Address Plimsoll Building, 4 Wollstonecraft Street, London, N1C 4BT
Phone Number 02075040533
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 373
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Governors and trustees are single-minded in their drive to raise aspirations and to secure equality of opportunity for all pupils. Senior leaders are pivotal in creating a school which is both inclusive and exciting. They have forged very effective partnerships with schools, businesses and universities.

This is beneficial for both pupils and adults. Senior leaders are excellent role models. They constantly evaluate the impact of their work, creating an open and transparent culture.

As a result, both staff and pupils confidently reflect on what is working well and what needs further attention. Staff benefit from very effective support from... senior and middle leaders. This is securing good and strongly improving teaching and learning.

The school puts pupils' physical and mental well-being at the centre of their work. Pupils develop confidence, self-belief and self-reliance. Pupils say they feel safe and that adults will always listen to and help them.

Most parents and carers appreciate that the school promotes their children's academic and personal development well. Pupils have a zest for learning. They are highly motivated learners, always willing to give their best.

They are well behaved and respectful. Pupils work and play independently and harmoniously with their friends. They embody the school's motto of 'Love learning together'.

Pupils learn and develop effectively because : teaching is good. Activities are meaningful and promote enjoyment and a thirst to find out even more. A myriad of enrichment activities provide memorable learning experiences for children and pupils.

Variations in the quality of teaching across key stage 1 result in inconsistencies in the progress pupils make. Some teaching does not stretch the most able in mathematics, or provide enough support for pupils in developing their writing. This prevents pupils from making outstanding progress in these two subjects.

Pupils who find learning difficult and those pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities make at least good progress. Provision in the early years secures sustained and substantial improvements in all areas of children's learning. Adults are proficient in providing children with quality learning activities in vibrant classrooms and outdoor spaces.

Information about this school

King's Cross Academy is sponsored by Kings Cross Academy Trust, formed by the Kings Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP), including Clara and Michael Freeman. KCCLP is the owner and developer of the King's Cross regeneration project. The academy is co-located with the Frank Barnes School for deaf children.

The whole site includes residential apartments, retail properties, higher education institutes, leisure and social amenities. The school's administration manager and some administration staff also work for the Frank Barnes School. The school has access to this school's special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities resources, including a sensory room and specialists and therapists.

Pupils from both schools share the hall and outdoor playground areas. All the staff and pupils at the academy learn British sign language so that they are able to communicate with pupils at the Frank Barnes School. This is the school's first inspection since it opened in September 2015.

The school is smaller than most primary schools. Key stage 1 comprises two Year 1 and Year 2 classes. In the early years foundation stage there is one Nursery and two Reception classes.

There are currently no key stage 2 classes, but as the school grows more staff will be appointed for this key stage. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for support through pupil premium funding is below the national average. The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is above average, including those pupils who have an education, health and care plan.

Pupils are from a wide range of different ethnic backgrounds and almost half of the pupils speak English as an additional language. There are no pupils in the early stages of learning English. The school has recently appointed six middle leaders, including an early years leader, and three new teachers.

Also at this postcode
Frank Barnes School for Deaf Children YMCA Play Club

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