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This is a good school The headteacher, staff and governors share high aspirations and ambitions for pupils' academic achievement and their personal development. Together, they have worked effectively to raise standards and improve outcomes for pupils. Leaders have an accurate understanding of what is done well in the school and what they still need to do to become even better.
Their actions are improving the quality of teaching and outcomes for pupils, particularly at key stage 2. Middle leaders show a strong understanding of their areas of responsibility and have contributed well to school improvement. The curriculum has a high focus on extending pupils' vocabulary....r/> Some pupils cannot recall and use key topic words successfully so leaders have made this an area for development. Children get a good start to school life in early years. Well-planned activities help them develop their skills, and staff create a caring and safe environment in which to learn.
Pupils make good progress across the school and leave school well equipped to access their secondary education. Disadvantaged pupils make good progress because they are supported well. Plans to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are effective in helping them to make good progress in their learning.
The care and welfare arrangements for pupils are exceptional and as a result they really enjoy school. This is reflected in their excellent attitudes to learning. They behave with a high level of consideration and courtesy to others in and around school.
Support for pupils' well-being is very strong. The nurturing environment and the precise support for pupils and families ensure that the most vulnerable pupils are prepared well for learning. The vast majority of parents say that their children are happy at school.
All parents are unanimous in the view that their children are safe and well looked after. There are some inconsistencies in teaching at key stage 1. For example, the most able pupils are not always stretched sufficiently to ensure that they achieve highly in reading, writing and mathematics.
Pupils are not given enough opportunities to reason effectively in mathematics and other subjects.
Information about this school
The school is larger than the average-sized primary school. The school has grown in the last year.
Children in the Reception Year, who attend full time, learn in two separate classes. The school serves an area that is made up almost entirely of local authority and social housing. The proportion of pupils who come from a minority ethnic background and who speak English as an additional language is above average.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils, for whom the school receives pupil premium funding, is above average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average. The school has had a number of staff changes since the last inspection and has taken on three newly qualified teachers this year.
The school manages 'So to speak', which is pre-school provision that focuses on children aged from two to three years whose language development is delayed. It also manages a nursery, which was separated from the primary school in 2011 and subsequently rejoined as a federation. Both of these aspects of provision are subject to separate inspection.