Kingsfold Primary School

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About Kingsfold Primary School

Name Kingsfold Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kellie Tierney
Address Martinfield Road, Penwortham, PRESTON, PR1 9HJ
Phone Number 01772743531
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 116
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at this school.

When they arrive in the morning, they are greeted with a warm welcome and a friendly smile by staff. Pupils value the care that they receive. They are treated with respect by staff.

This helps pupils to develop positive relationships with their teachers. It also means that pupils feel safe.

Pupils are proud of their school.

They enjoy using their outdoor gym and games area during social times. They also appreciate the many sporting opportunities on offer. Pupils get to learn a musical instrument and can join the school choir, which performs at local community events.

Leaders have high expectations for all pup...ils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils have a clear understanding of these expectations and rise to them. Pupils have a thirst for learning and enjoy their lessons.

In most subjects, most pupils achieve well.

Pupils behave well and follow the 'three golden rules'. Leaders and staff manage any disruptions well.

They also deal with any incidents of bullying effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

In many subjects, leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND. They have identified the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn and the order in which they will learn it.

In some subjects, including parts of the reading curriculum, leaders are still refining aspects of this information. In these subjects, pupils sometimes learn knowledge in a disjointed way. This means that, at times, pupils do not build on what they have already learned as securely as they could.

Leaders have ensured that teachers have sufficient subject knowledge to support pupils' learning. In most subjects, teachers use assessment strategies effectively in order to identify any misconceptions that pupils may have. In early reading and mathematics, assessment information is used particularly well to identify any gaps in pupils' learning and provide additional support.

Most subject leaders monitor the impact of their curriculum effectively. These leaders know what they need to do next to improve it further. However, some leaders are still developing their ability to identify what is working well in their areas of responsibility.

This limits some leaders' ability to identify the most important actions that they should take to best serve pupils' achievement.

Reading is prioritised at the school. Teachers promote a love of reading through regular story time sessions, which helps to develop pupils' vocabulary.

Children learn phonics as soon as they join the school in the Reception Year. Staff are well-trained to teach phonics. This means that phonics is taught consistently well across early years and key stage 1.

Staff carry out effective checks on pupils' learning in phonics and provide targeted support for any pupils who need extra help. However, leaders are still refining their approach to how pupils will continue to develop their reading knowledge as they move through key stage 2.

Children in the early years, including those with SEND, get off to a strong start.

They quickly develop positive behaviours for learning and develop excellent relationships with their teachers. They follow well-established routines and immerse themselves in the learning opportunities that are provided.

Pupils with SEND have their needs identified effectively and quickly by leaders and teachers.

Leaders work in partnership with parents, carers and pupils to develop suitable plans to provide any additional support these pupils may need. Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND are included in all aspects of school life.

Leaders enrich the curriculum and promote pupils' personal development very well.

Pupils have regular opportunities to debate a range of issues in their lessons. They take part in charity fundraising events and have in-school opportunities to take on leadership roles. The curriculum supports pupils' understanding of British values and the protected characteristics.

Pupils understand what diversity and tolerance mean in their day-to-day lives.

Pupils behave well around the school. They are particularly focused in lessons because they enjoy their learning.

While some pupils reported that disruptions to learning occur, these are isolated incidents. Leaders deal with any such incidents effectively in order to ensure that the school is a calm environment in which pupils can learn. Leaders have effective systems to help pupils deal with their emotions in a positive way.

Leaders have high expectations of attendance. They provide pupils and families with additional support to help them attend school. However, some pupils do not attend school regularly.

This means that these pupils miss out on their learning.

Governors know the school well. They fulfil their duties effectively.

Staff appreciate the care that leaders take to help them manage their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors ensure that staff receive regular training to help them identify any potential risks to pupils' welfare.

Staff know what to do if they have a concern. These concerns are appropriately recorded and acted on. Leaders engage with external agencies effectively where appropriate.

Leaders have ensured that the curriculum helps pupils to stay safe online and know how to maintain healthy relationships. Leaders are responsive to new issues that arise and they deal with these through additional lessons or assemblies.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some pupils do not attend school regularly.

This means that these pupils miss out on their learning. Leaders should further engage with parents to remove the barriers that are preventing pupils from attending school. ? Some leaders are still developing their ability to evaluate what is going well and what needs to improve further in their areas of responsibility.

This sometimes leads to improvement targets that are too broad and actions that lack focus. Sometimes, this work does not have the desired impact on pupils' education. Leaders should evaluate the information that they collect through their monitoring activities more effectively so that they can clearly identify what they need to do next.

• In some subjects, including parts of the reading curriculum, leaders are still breaking down the knowledge that they want pupils to know. In these subjects, pupils do not build their knowledge as securely as they could. Leaders should ensure that they clarify the specific knowledge pupils must know and the way in which it will be taught so that pupils build their knowledge securely over time.

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