Kingsley Academy

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About Kingsley Academy

Name Kingsley Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Bob Tinsley
Address Cecil Road, Hounslow, TW3 1AX
Phone Number 02085724461
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 939
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Teachers' high expectations help pupils to achieve well.

Pupils feel cared for and valued. Conversations between staff and pupils show mutual respect. This is the case in lessons and more generally around the school.

In class, pupils settle down to work quickly. Teachers are able to teach, and pupils learn the knowledge and skills they need to achieve well.

Pupils enjoy many experiences that build their confidence and resilience.

They take part in sports clubs, bushcraft camp, and theatre and museum trips. Aspirations are high. From Year 7, pupils' visits to universities help inform future career choices.

Leaders want pupils to leave school ...with knowledge in a wide range of subjects, and to show kindness and respect for others. Pupils are well-mannered. They are keen to discuss and debate their ideas.

They demonstrate respect for each other's points of view.

Pupils feel safe at school. They know who to speak with if they have any concerns.

They trust adults to sort out any problems should they occur, including with rare instances of bullying.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The headteacher, leadership team, governors and staff are ambitious for pupils to achieve as highly as possible. Leaders have thought about what pupils should learn term by term to achieve high standards.

As a result, pupils receive a good and improving quality of education.

Leaders ensure that all pupils learn the essential knowledge set out in the national curriculum. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Subject plans are well structured. Teachers know what to teach and in what order. For example, in Year 9 mathematics, pupils first build up their knowledge of basic powers and are then able to understand the rules of indices.

While computing is not currently taught as a discrete subject in Years 7 to 9, plans are well advanced for this to be included from September 2020.

Pupils who start in Year 7 with weak literacy and numeracy skills are quickly identified and given effective support to catch up. Pupils' reading skills are further developed through structured reading time at the start of the day.

Although well structured and leading to good achievement, the English curriculum in Years 7 to 9 is not as ambitious as it is in mathematics. The texts that pupils study are not as routinely well selected to provide the highest challenge. Similarly, not all pupils in Years 10 and 11 enjoy reading beyond the books they study in class.

This holds them back from developing vocabulary and comprehension skills of the highest order.

In other areas of the school, teaching ensures that pupils remember important knowledge. For example, in geography, Year 9 pupils can apply their deep understanding of climate change to the effects on the environment and people.

The thoroughness of geography is mirrored across the ambitious science curriculum. All students are challenged to achieve well. As a result, pupils are well prepared to study physics, chemistry and biology in the sixth form.

The school's programme to build pupils' personal development is impressive. In tutor time, pupils have opportunities to discuss current affairs. Year 11 pupils support younger pupils.

Pupils are enthusiastic when learning about the lives of others and value the diversity within their school. In the words of a Year 11 pupil, 'we're together by circumstance and united by choice'.

Currently, the sixth form only has students in Year 13.

Teachers' strong subject knowledge combined with well-structured planning ensures that these students build their knowledge effectively. Well-sequenced curriculum plans are in place for September 2020, when Year 12 students will join the sixth form. The school's career guidance ensures that students are well prepared to make choices for their education or employment when they leave the sixth form.

Most students go on to take up places at university.

Staff share leaders' ambitions for pupils to succeed. They feel well supported and receive regular training to improve their knowledge and skills.

They appreciate the steps leaders take to reduce unnecessary workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are well trained and understand what to do if they have a concern about a pupil's safety or well-being.

Strong systems are in place to report and record any concerns. Pupils report that they feel safe. Pupils who face additional challenges in their lives out of school are known and successfully supported by an experienced staff who work closely with external agencies.

Every opportunity is taken to promote safety through teaching pupils how to identify and deal with potential dangers. This includes when using social media and when out and about in their community.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Overall, the curriculum is planned and delivered effectively.

The content of subjects is chosen and sequenced well. However, the curriculum for English in Years 7 to 9 is not as ambitious as it is, for example, in mathematics. Leaders should ensure that the content of the English curriculum challenges pupils to achieve the highest standards.

Leaders should also promote pupils' reading beyond the classroom to further develop their vocabulary and skills of comprehension. . Leaders should ensure that the plans for providing computing as a discrete subject in Years 7 to 9 are enacted by September 2020.

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