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This is a good school The headteacher provides the school with strong and effective leadership. She is ably assisted by the executive headteacher and other leaders, who effectively ensure that the quality of education continuously improves. Through the Kingstone Academy Trust, leaders and governors have a shared ambition that all pupils receive a high-quality education.
The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good. Pupils are making at least good progress from their starting points in all subjects. Leaders make good use of information about pupils' progress, to suitably deliver additional support where needed.
Pupils who are in danger of falling be...hind are helped to catch up quickly. Disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress. A range of effective strategies are used to ensure that these pupils are well supported.
There is a culture and ethos of keeping pupils safe and secure. Staff are well trained in safeguarding procedures. In the early years, children make good progress.
This is because teachers know the children very well and plan challenging and enjoyable work that meets children's specific needs. Pupils behave well. They enjoy school and develop positive attitudes to learning.
Across the school, pupils make good progress in writing. Both boys and girls are inspired to write for pleasure through engaging writing activities. Handwriting and presentation, however, are not of a consistently high standard.
.While pupils achieve well in mathematics, there are limited opportunities for accelerated progress because teachers do not plan to challenge pupils of all abilities in reasoning and problem solving. Leaders know the school well and focus on the right areas for improvement.
However, they are not sharp enough in evaluating the impact of actions and planning the next steps precisely, with measurable targets to further improve school outcomes. Middle leaders are new to their roles. They have started to play a key role in leading developments across the curriculum but they are not sufficiently involved in improving the quality of teaching and learning in their subjects.
Governors have a secure understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school. However, they do not fully hold leaders to account by reviewing the impact of actions taken. The school does not comply with the government guidance about what academies should publish.
Information about this school
The school does not comply with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish about the proposed spend and rationale for the pupil premium and the primary physical education (PE) and sport premium. The school became an academy converter on 1 September 2011.
It is a member of the Kingstone Academy Trust and support is brokered by the multi-academy trust. It. operates as part of a federation with Kingstone High School, with which it shares a governing body and some staff.
These include an executive headteacher, who oversees the work of the school's headteacher. The school has been inspected twice previously, since converting to an academy. The school is smaller than the average-sized primary school.
Almost all pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is above the national average. The proportion of pupils supported by pupil premium funding is average.
The school meets the government's floor standard (the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress). The school does not have provision for two-year olds. There have been a number of changes in staff since the last inspection.