King’s Academy College Park (Junior)

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About King’s Academy College Park (Junior)

Name King’s Academy College Park (Junior)
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Rachel Carlyle
Address Crofton Road, North End, Portsmouth, PO2 0NT
Phone Number 02392663645
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 454
Local Authority Portsmouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The executive headteacher provides strong leadership. She is ably supported by effective senior leaders, committed governors and staff. Pupils' behaviour is good.

They are respectful and polite towards both staff and their peers. As a result, the school is calm and orderly. The academy trust and the school's governing body provide challenge and hold leaders to account for securing good outcomes for pupils.

The introduction of new systems for tracking pupils' progress, by streamlining information across both infant and junior schools, is having a positive effect. Any lack of progress is now swiftly acted upon and appropriate interventions ...are put in place. Robust monitoring of the quality of teaching has been effective in raising the standards of teaching across the school.

However, leaders are aware that pupils in some classes do not consistently have tasks that are set at the right level of challenge, especially for the most able pupils. Leaders work effectively to support disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Additional funding is used well and pupils currently at the school are making strong progress from their starting points.

Pupils in the current year groups are making much stronger progress than previous cohorts. This is as a result of leaders' well-judged actions to secure rapid improvements. The current curriculum is broad and balanced and provides pupils with a range of worthwhile experiences across all subjects.

Parents and carers are supportive of the school. They are extremely positive in their views of the school and its leadership. Leaders are aware that some foundation subject leaders have not yet acquired the full range of skills needed to manage their area of responsibility fully effectively.

Staff training is under way to address this. Pupils throughout the school have a good understanding of equalities gained through regular participation in diversity days. Safeguarding is effective.

Pupils feel safe. Staff are well trained in this area.

Information about this school

The school joined King's Group Academies in March 2016.

The local governing body is accountable to the trust board for: the overall strategic direction of the school; pupils' outcomes and the safety of staff and pupils; and challenge and support to the executive headteacher and head of school. The executive headteacher also leads College Park Infant School. The present head of school was appointed in September 2018.

This school is larger than the average-sized junior school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is lower than for other schools nationally. The proportion of children receiving support for special educational needs is slightly higher than for other schools nationally.

Also at this postcode
King’s Academy College Park (Infant)

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