Kirby Hill Church of England (VC) Primary School

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About Kirby Hill Church of England (VC) Primary School

Name Kirby Hill Church of England (VC) Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Lisa Welburn
Address Kirby Hill, Boroughbridge, York, YO51 9DS
Phone Number 01423322713
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 102
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending Kirby Hill Primary School. They attend school well.

The school's embedded Christian values help to foster pupils' positive attitudes to learning and to caring relationships. Pupils have a strong understanding of diversity and celebrate other people's differences. Pupils behave well in lessons and enjoy playing together at breaktimes.

Pupils understand what bullying is but say that it does not happen in their school. The school is a caring and friendly place. Staff know pupils well.

Pupils have confidence that staff will help them when they are worried.

Leaders, including governors, have high expectations of themselves and the p...upils in the school. Together, leaders have galvanised the staff team and secured improvements to the quality of education and pupils' behaviour.

They have sought out training for subject leaders and staff to ensure that they have the knowledge they need to lead and teach the curriculum effectively. As a result, pupils are now achieving well.

Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to go on educational visits to enhance their learning.

For example, some pupils have visited Ripon Workhouse Museum, while others have taken part in an archaeological dig to learn about how the Romans once settled in the area.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The early years environment engages children's curiosity and provides opportunities for them to deepen their understanding of the curriculum they are being taught. Adults focus on developing children's vocabulary.

Children are encouraged to describe the links between the different things that they are learning. For example, children used appropriate vocabulary to talk about the work they had been doing about time and linked this to what they had learned about nocturnal animals.

Leaders have placed reading at the heart of the curriculum.

Adults read regularly to pupils, using inspiring texts that link to aspects of the curriculum that they are learning about. Pupils spoke excitedly about the authors they enjoy reading and the range of books they can choose from. Pupils were particularly enthused by a recent visit from a comic book author.

Leaders have prioritised the teaching of early reading. Staff have received extensive training, which has led to them teaching early reading well. Children begin to learn to read at the start of Reception.

Teachers introduce new sounds clearly and allow pupils to develop fluency by reading books that match the sounds they know. Teachers quickly identify pupils who need extra help with reading. These pupils take part in effective additional sessions to help them catch up.

However, the teaching for a small number of pupils does not precisely match their stage in learning. These pupils are taught sounds from later in the curriculum before they are fully secure in the sounds they need to know first. Staff use catch-up sessions to backfill the gaps in pupils' learning that this approach creates.

This slows the pace of learning for these pupils.

Leaders have introduced an ambitious curriculum that meets the aims of the national curriculum. Subject leaders have received training which has improved their understanding of how to lead their subjects.

Curriculum plans for subjects such as science and history make it clear what pupils should learn and remember. Subject leaders adapt the curriculum each year to ensure that new learning builds on what pupils already know. Recently introduced 'mini-quizzes' help teachers to know where pupils have gaps in their knowledge.

Subject leaders regularly check the curriculum is being taught well and that it is enabling pupils to remember the content of their curriculum plans.

The curriculum for mathematics is ambitious and well taught. Teachers explain new learning clearly.

They address misconceptions effectively. Teachers provide additional support for pupils who need it to ensure that they keep up with the school's curriculum for mathematics.

Teachers quickly identify if any pupils have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

However, plans of support for these pupils sometimes lack clarity about how staff should help pupils to overcome any barriers to learning. As a result, a small number of pupils with SEND are not well supported. Staff provide strong pastoral support for pupils who have social, emotional and mental health needs.

This has resulted in improvements in attendance and engagement in lessons for some pupils.

The well-considered personal, social and health education curriculum contributes to pupils being well prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are taught how to stay safe.

They speak knowledgeably about how to do this online. Pupils learn about safe relationships, appropriate touch and consent. As a result, pupils understand what makes a healthy relationship and know what to do if they need help or are concerned.

Children in the early years have recently been learning about how they can ring 999 if they need help from the emergency services.

There has been considerable change in the governing body since the last inspection. Governors have ensured that they have the skills they need to provide effective support and challenge to school leaders.

They receive detailed information about the school and seek information out themselves through regular visits. As a result, they have a good understanding of the school's strengths and areas that need to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Designated safeguarding leaders (DSLs) are well trained and knowledgeable. Staff are trained to identify the risks to pupils' safety. Staff regularly discuss scenarios to help deepen their understanding of safeguarding and how they should respond to certain situations.

When DSLs are aware of a risk to a pupil's safety, they act appropriately. However, the records of their actions are not always clear. Leaders, including governors, recognise the need to improve systems for record-keeping and are taking action to address this.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The teaching of phonics for a small number of pupils is not precisely matched to their stage in learning. This means that they are not learning to read as quickly as they could. Leaders should ensure that the teaching of phonics closely matches pupils' stage in learning so that all pupils learn to read as quickly as they can.

• Some support plans for pupils with SEND are not specific enough to help staff meet pupils' needs. Consequently, these pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that support plans for pupils with SEND are precise, so that staff can provide effective support to enable pupils to achieve well.

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