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This is a good school Since the previous inspection, academy leaders and the trust have strengthened the provision so that teaching and outcomes are now good. The quality of teaching and learning in reading, writing and mathematics is good, and consequently, by the end of Year 6, pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education. The curriculum is broader and much improved since the previous inspection.
Pupils experience a wide range of practical and interesting activities that develop their knowledge and understanding in subjects such as history, geography and science. Leaders have established a safe and secure environment for learning. Pupils who have ex...perienced difficulties in their lives are well looked after and making good progress.
Pupils behave well in and around the academy. They treat each other and adults with respect and courtesy. This underpins the calm and orderly atmosphere of the academy.
Leaders have been effective in making some important improvements to teaching and learning. For example, there is consistently good teaching of phonics and writing across the academy. Teaching in early years is good.
As a result, children's progress and attainment are improving rapidly. Opportunities for pupils to take part in a wide range of sporting activities are a strength of the academy. The additional funding for sports has been used to good effect.
The trust and governors have supported leaders effectively in making the necessary improvements to teaching and learning since the previous inspection. An important feature of this is the establishment of a stable teaching team for the first time in recent years. Weaker teaching in the past has left gaps in pupils' learning and skills.
This sometimes hinders progress and helps to explain the low proportions of pupils in the past who attained the higher standards in reading and mathematics and/or greater depth in writing. Teaching in key stage 1 is not as effective as the teaching in key stage 2, and consequently the outcomes are not as good. Leaders have made improvements, progress is much better than in the past and standards are rising.
Assessment is thorough but it is not focused sharply enough on the most important aspects that pupils need to change or improve, particularly where there are gaps in their prior learning.
Information about this school
The school opened as an academy on 1 October 2013, sponsored by the REAch2 Academy Trust. The headteacher was appointed in June 2017.
The proportion of pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds is low compared to the national average. The majority of the pupils are from White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average.