Kirk Hallam Community Academy

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About Kirk Hallam Community Academy

Name Kirk Hallam Community Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Chris Turner
Address Godfrey Drive, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston, DE7 4HH
Phone Number 01159301522
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 814
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Kirk Hallam Community Academy is a caring and welcoming school. Most pupils enjoy learning here.

Staff and pupils said that the school has improved. Many parents and carers appreciate the care and support the school provides for their children. There are positive relationships between staff and pupils.

Pupils feel safe and are supported well. The school is calm and orderly. Pupils are respectful to each other and staff.

Most pupils behave well in lessons and at social times.

The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, the school has not ensured that a...ll pupils receive a high-quality education.

The quality of teaching is not yet consistently good across the school. Pupils and students in the sixth form do not achieve as well as they should.

Pupils have a range of opportunities to contribute to the school.

Some pupils enjoy being well-being, reading or subject ambassadors. Some students in the sixth form also support younger pupils with reading. There are a range of extra-curricular activities that an increasing number of pupils take part in.

For example, pupils enjoy attending sports clubs, well-being club, dance, drama and animal care club.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum for pupils. The school has detailed the knowledge, skills and vocabulary pupils will learn in each subject.

Most teachers use the school's agreed approach to delivering the curriculum well. Teachers have good subject knowledge. In the main, they explain new topics clearly.

However, some teachers do not check pupils' understanding carefully enough. This means they are unaware of, and do not address, any gaps in learning or misconceptions pupils have. As a result, some pupils do not progress well through the curriculum.

Published outcomes at the end of key stage 4 and for sixth-form students are typically lower than expected.

The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND accurately. Some pupils with more complex needs have bespoke support.

This is starting to help them gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Teachers get detailed information about how they can meet the needs of these pupils. Some teachers do not use this information effectively.

They do not ensure that they adapt their teaching or resources to support these pupils to access the curriculum. This means that some pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they should.

The school has ensured that pupils have more opportunities to develop their reading skills than previously.

Pupils in key stage 3 have weekly library lessons. Staff carefully teach pupils new vocabulary. The school regularly assesses pupils' reading ability and identifies those needing extra reading support.

Some of these pupils get the help they need. However, those pupils at the early stages of reading are not getting the support they need to improve their reading fluency and accuracy. This makes it difficult for them to access the curriculum.

The school is aware of this and has plans in place to ensure that these pupils get the support they need.

The school has high expectations of pupils' behaviour and has developed the 'Kirk Hallam way' so that pupils know what is expected of them. There are clear routines that pupils understand and follow.

Most pupils have positive attitudes to learning. Students in the sixth form work well in lessons. The school supports pupils who need help to improve their behaviour effectively.

The number of pupils who are suspended from school is reducing. The school has prioritised improving attendance. Staff give effective support to pupils who need to attend school more regularly.

Pupils' attendance rates are improving.

The school has ensured that there is a well-thought-out programme in place for pupils' personal development. Pupils learn how to be safe online and in the community.

They learn about healthy relationships and lifestyles. Pupils understand to be respectful and tolerant of those who may be different from them. However, the school has not ensured that pupils are developing their understanding of fundamental British values well enough.

As a result, some pupils are not as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they should be. Pupils have many opportunities to learn about the world of work. Students in the sixth form learn about different universities and apprenticeships.

They are prepared well for their next steps.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They said that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being.

Those responsible for governance carry out their statutory duties effectively. The trust provides appropriate support and challenge. This has helped the school improve in some areas.

Trust and school leaders, and those responsible for governance are aware that more still needs to be done and are committed to bringing about the necessary improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not check pupils' understanding well enough.

This means that gaps in pupils' learning and misconceptions are not identified or addressed. Pupils do not learn as well as they should. The school should ensure that teachers systematically check pupils' understanding so they can identify when pupils need to revisit learning.

• Some teachers do not adapt their teaching or resources to support pupils with SEND to access the curriculum. As a result, some pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they should. The school should ensure that teachers know how to use the information and strategies the school provides to support pupils with SEND so that these pupils can access the curriculum and achieve well.

Pupils at the early stages of learning to read are not getting the support they need to improve their reading. This makes it difficult for these pupils to access the curriculum. The school should ensure that these pupils get appropriate support to improve their reading accuracy and fluency.

• The school has not ensured that pupils are developing their understanding of fundamental British values. As a result, some pupils are not as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they should be. The school should ensure that pupils have opportunities to develop their understanding of fundamental British values so that pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain effectively.

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