Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
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About Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Kirkby and Great Broughton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School is an inclusive school. At the heart of the school's ethos is the desire for pupils to shine.
Relationships between pupils and staff are caring and respectful. Pupils, staff, parents and carers are proud of the school. As one parent commented, this is a school 'far bigger in character than it is in size'.
Pupils believe in the importance of equality. They talk with enthusiasm about how they have learned about different faiths and cultures. Pupils understand the common features that unite people, as well as appreciating that we are all unique.
They support each other in their roles as ...anti-bullying ambassadors and well-being warriors. Bullying is rare. When it does happen, teachers deal with it quickly.
Leaders have high expectations of pupils academically and behaviourally. Pupils understand the school rules of 'be safe, be respectful, be responsible'. This is shown in their mature and sensible attitudes to learning.
Pupils are polite and well- mannered. They enjoy coming to school. This includes in the early years, where children play cooperatively with each other.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. Curriculum planning begins in Reception and provides a strong foundation for future learning. Leaders have planned the knowledge and skills they want pupils to learn by the end of their studies in Year 6.
In most subjects, leaders have structured the curriculum so that it sets out concepts in a logical order that build pupils' knowledge step by step. Teachers have strong subject knowledge. In most cases, teachers select activities which enable to pupils to build their knowledge and skills.
Teachers regularly check for gaps in pupils' knowledge using 'fluent in 5' and 'terrific in 10' activities. In the early years, children consolidate their learning in 'superhero challenges', reinforcing their understanding of key concepts such as capacity and counting in doubles.
Not all subjects are at the same stage of curriculum development.
Leaders in some subjects in the wider curriculum, such as art and history, have not fully identified the knowledge that pupils should have learned by key points in the year. This means that some pupils do not deepen their knowledge as effectively as they should.
Staff know the pupils who attend this school well.
Teachers support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) so they access the full curriculum. For example, pupils with SEND use hands-on resources in mathematics lessons to help them understand key concepts.
The teaching of reading is a priority for leaders.
Children start learning to read as soon as they join the school. Staff are trained to deliver the curriculum for reading to a high standard. By the end of Year 1, most pupils have learned the phonic knowledge they need to read well.
Pupils who find reading challenging are quickly identified and given the extra help and support they need to catch up. In Year 1, pupils read every day with the 'reading squad' to help them read with fluency and expression. Older pupils are enthusiastic about reading and the insight it provides.
For example, one pupil described how their current reading book enabled them to reflect on gender stereotypes and equality.
Pupils are attentive in lessons. Supportive and trusting relationships help pupils to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves.
Pupils value 'growth reward' points, which they are awarded for trying hard. They recognise the ways in which teachers help them to develop resilience and why this is important. This starts in Reception, where children are encouraged to persevere and build independence during free play.
Leaders have planned an extensive personal development curriculum. Pupils learn about relationships at an age-appropriate level. They have a comprehensive understanding of online safety, healthy lifestyles and choices.
Pupils take up plentiful leadership opportunities with pride. Through the student council, anti-bullying ambassadors and well-being warriors, pupils put their learning about citizenship into action. Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is enriched by a wide variety of clubs.
These support pupils in pursuing their talents and interests.
Leaders at all levels strive to do their best for pupils. Many parents commented on the open and approachable manner of leaders, which they value.
Staff are very positive about the work of the school and say that leaders consider their well-being and workload well. Governors understand their roles and statutory duties.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Pupils say that they feel safe in school. They are taught how to keep themselves healthy and safe. For example, pupils learn about online safety and cyber-bullying.
Staff are vigilant and know that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. They receive regular training so that they know how to spot and report pupils who might be at risk. Leaders record concerns and act on them, referring pupils to external agencies when needed.
Governors recognise that, on occasion, the recording and reporting of safeguarding incidents in the school's online management of information system is not as timely as it should be. On these occasions, some follow-up actions are held up.
Leaders carry out appropriate checks to ensure that adults working with pupils are suitable.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of wider-curriculum subjects, such as art and history, it is not clear what pupils should have learned by key points in each year. As a result, pupils do not learn as well as they could and develop deep knowledge over time. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum in every subject sets out the precise knowledge that all pupils should know and by when.
• The recording and reporting of concerns about pupils on the online system for child protection is not as rigorous as it needs to be. This means that, although pupils and families are provided with support and help when needed, follow-up actions are sometimes delayed. Leaders, including governors, should ensure that they sharpen how they check all safeguarding incidents so that all actions and subsequent support are timely and effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.