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Knollmead Primary School provides an exceptional education for all its pupils. Inclusion and ambition are central to its ethos, and promoted by everyone in this close-knit community.
The school's curriculum is rich and ambitious. The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is exemplary, including in the well-regarded specially resourced provisions for pupils with SEND.
Pupils are proud to attend their school.
Staff form very strong relationships with pupils and give them a distinct voice in school life. There is a sharp focus on discussion in lessons. This means pupils develop confidence and can talk about their learning... and how it connects to what they have learned before.
Pupils make exceptional progress through the curriculum, from the early years to the end of Year 6. The school's published outcomes in reading and mathematics are particularly high for pupils who attain at greater depth.
Pupils are very well supported by the school to develop more widely.
They feel happy and safe. Staff encourage pupils to be responsible and caring citizens. For example, pupils can support elderly people in the local area or take on positions of responsibility in school, such as organising lunchtime clubs for younger pupils.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The well-designed school curriculum builds up pupils' knowledge and skills over time. Leaders have thought carefully about the key knowledge they want pupils to learn and the order in which they should learn it. For example, in the early years, staff teach children to practise number skills and learn mathematical language.
This develops throughout the years, and pupils apply their knowledge successfully to more complex problem-solving.
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge. They present information clearly.
Teachers make sure that pupils have secure foundations before moving on to new learning. As a result, pupils become independent and resilient learners. For example, pupils talk with confidence about how 'making mistakes' means they can improve.
Teachers check pupils' understanding carefully and correct any misconceptions quickly. Teachers use information well to consider the impact of their teaching and address any gaps in pupils' learning.
Teachers and support staff have the knowledge and skills needed to help pupils with SEND, or those who are new to learning English, to excel.
The teaching in the early years is both supportive and challenging. Children build their language and communication skills as well as their social and emotional development. For example, they learn to take turns, develop friendships and work and play with other children.
The school places great emphasis on early reading. From the start of Reception, pupils learn to read using phonics. Pupils at the early stages of reading develop the phonics knowledge and skills they need to read with fluency.
Teachers make sure that pupils read books that match the sounds they know. They identify pupils who are not as confident and put in place a range of appropriate and very targeted support. This means pupils, including those with SEND, become confident and enthusiastic readers.
Pupils read a diverse range of challenging texts as they move through the year groups. In addition, teachers introduce pupils to a rich vocabulary from the early years and throughout the school. This language-rich environment enables pupils to thrive.
The school has a sharp focus on raising pupils' attendance rates. As a result, attendance has improved steadily. Leaders work very closely with families and external agencies to develop pupils' positive habits of regular attendance.
This is having a very positive impact.
The school has designed an exceptionally rich and age-appropriate programme for pupils' personal development. Teachers teach pupils to respect difference in the world.
Pupils value learning about the importance of tolerance and democracy. Pupils also appreciate how the school pushes them to achieve their personal best. They learn how to stay safe, including when online, and how to look after their physical and mental health.
Pupils visit a wide range of interesting places, such as local businesses, museums and the Houses of Parliament. They talk enthusiastically about how such visits help them in their learning.
Staff are happy and very proud to work at Knollmead.
They appreciate the huge efforts leaders make to develop them professionally and promote their well-being. Trustees and governors support leaders while holding them to account for the quality of education at the school. They take their duties seriously.
Parents and carers are exceptionally positive about the school and the caring ethos it promotes. Comments made in the online survey, such as 'Every morning my child is happy and excited to go to school,' reflect the views of many.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.