Knowles Primary School

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About Knowles Primary School

Name Knowles Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs S Harper
Address Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK2 2HB
Phone Number 01908373588
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 311
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has high expectations for every pupil to fulfil their potential. This is realised through the high-quality work that pupils produce and the enjoyment they have for learning. The school's motto, 'Growing hearts and minds together', is woven into pupils' everyday experiences.

Pupils develop a deep understanding about different faiths, cultures and protected characteristics. They know that everyone is welcome at their school.

There is an exceptionally calm atmosphere, which means that pupils enjoy attending their inclusive school.

They politely greet each other, staff and visitors as they go about their daily routines. Relationships between pupils and... staff are respectful and kind. Pupils feel safe and happy here.

They know that staff will listen to them and help them with any worries.

Pupils are eager to develop new skills such as learning to use a sewing machine or flying a kite. Through visits to the theatre, they learn about performing arts.

They put this experience into practice through the much anticipated school productions. Pupils relish taking part in after-school clubs such as basketball, singing, arts and crafts. They cannot wait to go for walks with their canine friends, Ted, Charlotte, Bow, Pippa and Frank, who are the well-loved school dogs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a well-designed and sequenced curriculum. For example, in subjects such as mathematics, subject planning provides teachers with clear information about what pupils should learn and in what order. Staff use their expert training to make sure that pupils secure the most important knowledge and concepts.

However, in some subjects, not all staff accurately spot and address misconceptions or ensure that pupils consistently remember key content over time. This means that pupils sometimes find it hard to make links between new learning and what they have learned before.

Leaders make sure that staff quickly identify and effectively meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND).

As a result, outcomes for all pupils, including those with SEND, are strong. Staff are adept at making sure that these pupils have the resources and equipment they need to access the same learning as their peers. As a result, pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary.

They have a deep-rooted understanding of how their school values help them make the right choices, so that they behave very well. This excellence is mirrored in the high levels of enthusiasm that children show towards their learning from the start of Reception. They are excited to explore the highly motivating and inviting environment and they discuss their ideas using suitable language and technical vocabulary.

The school highly prioritises reading. Leaders ensure that there is a determination and rigour from staff that all children will begin to learn to read swiftly from the start of Reception. Specialist staff provide prompt and effective support for those who are struggling with reading.

As a result, pupils acquire the skills they need to be able to read confidently and fluently. Teachers promote a love of books and reading. A wealth of books can be found across the school to encourage reading across the curriculum.

Pupils are inspired by staff who model reading a wide range of texts.

The school offers an exceptional personal development curriculum. This is fully integrated into the daily life of the school.

This helps to develop pupils' tolerance, kindness and thoughtfulness. Pupils raise funds for charities such as the local hospice. Leaders have created a 'Big Hearts and Dreams' programme for pupils to broaden their experiences, such as building dens and fires in the forest school.

A weekly enrichment hour allows all pupils to explore activities they may not otherwise experience. Pupils develop a strong understanding of different families and cultures and welcome everyone to their school. This ambitious work is underpinned by carefully considered texts reflecting life in modern Britain.

The school ensures that all pupils take part in clubs and visits if they would like to. Deliberate decisions by leaders enable all pupils to have the opportunity to shine. Pupils relish the many leadership opportunities available.

Trustees and governors offer strong support to the school. Leaders consider staff workload and well-being effectively. They listen to staff and provide highly effective training.

As a result, staff are proud to work at the school and feel respected. Leaders have taken swift action to improve the school since the last inspection and thoroughly model the positive values and ethos that resonate throughout the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some staff do not consistently address pupils' misconceptions or emphasise the most important content. This means that pupils can struggle to remember important learning over time. The school should ensure that all staff precisely check pupils' understanding and help them to recall key learning to integrate new knowledge into larger ideas.

Also at this postcode
Knowles Nursery School

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