Knutton St Marys CofE Academy

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About Knutton St Marys CofE Academy

Name Knutton St Marys CofE Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Carly Wright
Address Church Lane, Knutton, Newcastle Under Lyme, ST5 6EB
Phone Number 01782568680
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 195
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal's passion and high expectations have been central to the recent improvements of the school. An inclusive and nurturing atmosphere is evident within the school.

Staff are attentive and support pupils' emotional well-being effectively. Since July 2018, outcomes have risen. Pupils' starting points on entry to school are typically low.

Good teaching enables pupils to progress well. Leaders are developing the curriculum. This is particularly the case in history, geography, science and religious education, where pupils' knowledge and understanding develop well.

The teaching of reading is having a positive effect on pupils...' enjoyment. Pupils develop their skills through a wide range of texts, and their progress is carefully monitored by staff. The teaching of mathematics is improving.

Pupils are now given more opportunities to use and apply their mathematical skills, solve problems and reason. The school needs to increase the proportion of pupils reaching the expected and higher standards in reading, writing and mathematics across the school. Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times.

They have positive attitudes to learning. The school needs to improve attendance rates so that they meet national averages. Early years is well led.

Staff in the Nursery and Reception are highly skilled. They provide a wealth of learning opportunities for children within an attractive and stimulating environment. The pupil premium is put to good use.

Disadvantaged pupils benefit from the school's strategies. The physical education (PE) and sport premium has been effective. Pupils receive a broad range of physical and sport-related opportunities, both within lessons and when using the playground at social times.

The local governing committee of St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust provides appropriate challenge for school leaders. They know that there are further improvements to outcomes that need to be made. The safeguarding culture in school is effective.

Staff and governors take their responsibilities seriously. Pupils have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

Information about this school

The principal and vice-principal were permanently appointed to the school in October 2015 after a period of leadership instability.

Most pupils are White British. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above the national average. The school is in St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust.

The board of trustees is responsible for setting the strategic direction of its schools. The trustees employ a chief executive officer (CEO) to oversee and work with all of the multi-academy trust's schools. At a local level, the local governing committee of the trust board holds the principal to account and monitors the day-to-day running of the school.

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