Knypersley First School

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About Knypersley First School

Name Knypersley First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Abigail Rourke
Address Newpool Road, Knypersley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST8 6NN
Phone Number 01782973810
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-9
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 283
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Knypersley First School provides an excellent education for all pupils.

They have many opportunities to be successful, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The school buzzes with aspiration and enthusiasm. It lives and breathes its motto of 'learning together, learning for life'.

Parents and carers agree. One comment, typical of many, is that, 'the children enjoy a very rich and creative curriculum and are making excellent progress in all aspects of their learning.'

Pupils behave and learn exceptionally well because of the school's very high expectations.

They are excited, inquisitive learners. Children from Reception Year to Year Four... are ready to learn. Pupils bubble with enthusiasm when they share their knowledge.

They learn and live by the school's rules of 'be safe, be ready, be respectful'. Pupils are confident that the 'Knypersley Knights' will help them if any issues arise.

The school ensures that pupils are very well prepared for later life.

They learn to understand many careers that are available to them when they are older. There are a range of clubs on offer. Pupils know they only have to ask, and the school will do all that it can to provide a club for them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the last inspection, the school has more pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It also has an increase in pupils eligible for free school meals. In response to this the school has paid particular attention to these pupils.

It makes sure that all their specific needs are very well catered for. As a result, all pupils achieve exceptionally well from their starting points.

Starting in the early years, the school has expertly and meticulously crafted an ambitious curriculum.

It sets out key knowledge pupils will learn, along with the most important vocabulary. Staff ensure pupils always recap on what they have learned before. Pupils practise what teachers demonstrate in lessons.

They say that this helps them to understand and learn well. Teachers expertly check pupils' learning to correct any misunderstandings. Pupils with SEND succeed alongside their peers.

This is because the school identifies their needs early. Staff remove obstacles to learning. They are particularly adept at using technology to enable pupils with SEND to learn well.

Children make an excellent start to their education in the early years. From Nursery there is a real focus on developing children's communication, language, literacy and mathematics skills. Staff skilfully adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of the children.

For example, there is a real focus on developing children's knowledge across the curriculum through expressive art and design. Relationships are very positive and children quickly learn classroom routines and access resources independently.

Staff deliver the school's phonics programme extremely well.

The school has prioritised reading. Children in Nursery learn about the sounds they can hear in words. In Reception and Year 1, children draw on their phonics knowledge when completing other activities.

The school ensures that additional support is exactly matched to the needs of individual children. Pupils develop an enthusiasm and love for reading through regular 'love of reading' sessions. They are rewarded for being 'star readers'.

Pupils develop into fluent readers and read regularly at home.

Behaviour in lessons is exemplary. Routines are quickly established and well embedded.

This means pupils know what is expected of them at all times. At the beginning of every day staff learn about how pupils are feeling and address any issues promptly. Pupils want to come to school and be 'HEROs': here, every day, ready and on time.

Where necessary, the school supports families to improve their child's attendance.

Pupils' personal development is extremely well considered. The school makes sure that pupils benefit from a range of educational visits and visitors to enhance the curriculum.

For example, in history, pupils can explain how a trip to a pottery museum helps them to understand the importance of the industry in the local area. There are many opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles. They feel privileged to have these roles and take them seriously.

Pupils have a firm understanding of fundamental British values and equality. They say, 'you can be anybody you want to be, it doesn't matter'.

Leaders, the trust and local advisory board incisively evaluate school performance.

The trust and LAB check that leaders' actions are in the pupils' best interests. Staff are extremely positive about all aspects of the school's work, including their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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