La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School

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About La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School

Name La Retraite Roman Catholic Girls’ School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Dominic Malins
Address Atkins Road, London, SW12 0AB
Phone Number 02086735644
Phase Secondary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1195
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school aims for every pupil to reach their full potential.

It does so, not only by having high expectations for pupils, but by supporting their individual aspirations and talents. The school guides pupils to achieve excellent outcomes in public examinations and provides high-quality support for their wider well-being. Pupils feel happy and safe.

They know there is an adult they can talk to if needed.

The school provides a range of clubs and trips to broaden pupils' horizons. Pupils may take on a range of responsibilities and opportunities to develop their leadership skills.

This continues into the sixth form, where students take part in a strong... enrichment programme. Students take great pride in supporting the local community and their younger peers.

Pupils behave extremely well, both in and out of lessons.

The school promotes kindness and respect, which is evident in the interactions between pupils. Parents and carers speak favourably of the school and appreciate the school's efforts to 'see the whole child'. They speak of the school's warmth, which ensures that their children become 'confident young women'.

The school provides an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In the sixth form, the introduction of T levels has been a great success. These qualifications have raised aspirations and further enriched the careers programme.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has established and consistently delivers a high-quality curriculum. Leaders continue to refine it to ensure it is broad and ambitious. The 'creative arts' are taught on rotation in Years 7 to 9, and the school offers a range of subjects at Years 10 and 11, including economics, sociology, health and social care, and sports.

These choices support the sixth-form offer of both A levels and T levels, which includes health and midwifery, education and childcare, construction, legal services, and digital. Provision in the sixth form is particularly strong. Students are encouraged to draw on pre-reading to develop discussions in class and consider a range of ideas.

Teachers are experts in their subjects, and they build pupils' confidence through skilled questioning. For example, in sociology, pupils discuss the coverage of crime by the media and consider that the subject helps to broaden their understanding of the world. Teachers check regularly that pupils understand what they have been taught before moving on to new content.

As a result, pupils' knowledge builds methodically.

Leaders think carefully about the order in which topics are taught. For example, in Spanish and French, teachers build secure knowledge of the present, past and future tenses.

Careful thought is also given to diversity within the curriculum. For example, leaders have introduced the text 'Raisin in the Sun' in English. In history, pupils explore the civil rights movement in Britain.

The needs of pupils with SEND are identified accurately. These are met both in class and in the wider curriculum through a range of after-school clubs and activities. These pupils receive excellent support, and the school uses the services of specialist professionals where necessary.

Pupils with SEND achieve well, and many continue into the sixth form, where they have the same high aspirations as their peers.

The school identifies pupils who need support with their reading and provides them with regular, effective support that quickly builds up pupils' reading fluency. Sixth-form students support pupils' confidence with guided reading sessions.

The learning environment is highly positive, with no disruptions. Pupils are proud of their work and respectful to their peers and teachers. Their attendance is given high priority.

Pupils attend very well, including in the sixth form. Leaders follow up on any absence quickly and effectively.

The school provides an extensive careers programme, which draws on a wide range of industry, businesses and healthcare providers.

The T levels on offer are firmly established in the sixth form, and students participate in work placements to apply their knowledge to real-life situations. For example, students may use industry-standard coding software. They also have use of specialist midwifery rooms and work with local hospitals.

These links and partnerships enrich the careers programme throughout the school. This means that pupils benefit from considered guidance and advice, as well as talks and workshops.

The school delivers a strong personal development programme.

Pupils explore British values, equality of opportunity, online safety, and relationships meaningfully. They demonstrate respectful attitudes and are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Enrichment opportunities such as visits to the theatre and museums deepen their subject knowledge.

Pupils participate well in clubs, including the cadets working with the Royal Navy. Pupils not only develop a range of skills but also can undertake rock climbing, first aid or mountain biking. The school supports pupils who wish to learn a musical instrument, and there is an active theatre company for those with interests in the arts.

Staff enjoy working at the school. Leaders make sure that staff are well trained and fully prepared to take up further professional roles. Those at the start of their careers are particularly well nurtured and feel confident in their chosen career.

Governors fulfil their statutory duties. They know what the school does well and where it could develop further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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