Lady Margaret School

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About Lady Margaret School

Name Lady Margaret School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Elisabeth Stevenson
Address Parson’s Green, London, SW6 4UN
Phone Number 02077367138
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 758
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are exceptionally well supported to succeed at Lady Margaret School. Leaders have set out a clear strategic vision, which is embodied in the school motto 'I have a goodly heritage.'

The school takes a nurturing and caring approach, which leads to pupils feeling and being kept secure and safe. Staff have very high expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), and foster a sense of belonging and pride in the school.

The school has designed an ambitious curriculum, where pupils achieve exceptional outcomes in a wide range of GCSE and A-level subjects.

Pupils are enc...ouraged to develop confidence and resilience and, as a result, they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education, employment or training.

Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary and bullying is rare. There is a palpable sense of passion and purpose in the way that teachers inspire pupils with a love of their subject.

Students in the sixth form quickly develop as independent learners. They are encouraged to take on leadership responsibility and to act as role models, for example, by acting as mentors for younger pupils and running their own extra-curricular activities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Subject leaders have thought carefully about the curriculum content and the order in which it is taught.

They are clear about what they want pupils to know and remember. The curriculum demonstrates high ambition for all pupils. For example, in art, pupils and students in the sixth form are encouraged to research artists that link to their own passions and interests.

Over time, pupils develop their knowledge of the different elements of art and artistic movements. This enables them to analyse and critique their own work, as well as the work of their peers. Similarly, in mathematics, the curriculum has been designed, so that any gaps in knowledge are swiftly identified and addressed.

The curriculum increases in complexity and high expectations are evident. For example, Pythagoras' theorem is introduced in Year 8 and revisited. This helps pupils to explain confidently its application.

Teachers have excellent knowledge of the subjects that they deliver. Assessment is used well to identify any misconceptions, so that they do not persist in pupils' understanding. Debate and critical thinking are a feature of many lessons.

Teachers routinely help pupils to draw on previous learning when tackling new ideas. This ensures that pupils, and students in the sixth form, develop a deep understanding in different subjects and achieve highly.

Leaders identify pupils with SEND accurately and detailed plans are put in place to support pupils' learning.

Teachers understand the specific needs of their pupils and are well trained to adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils access the full curriculum, wherever this is possible. Leaders have placed a high priority on reading. For example, all Year 7 pupils receive weekly reading lessons, which are supported by sixth-form reading mentors.

Appropriate specialist support is put in place for weaker readers.

Behaviour across the school is excellent. Leaders have developed a clear and simple behaviour policy that is well understood and consistently implemented.

It prioritises pupils being ready, responsible and respectful. Pupils consistently rise to these expectations, demonstrating a very positive attitude to their education. They are focused, settle to and complete tasks quickly, taking great pride in their work.

Teachers have positive working relationships with pupils and, as a result, they are willing to answer questions and to take risks. They listen carefully to their teachers and each other, asking interesting questions that demonstrate their curiosity to learn. For example, discussing what the verb 'hacer' means in Spanish and why this is used to describe the weather.

An early help system has been created, supported by external counselling services, the school chaplain, school nurse and police liaison officer. This provides support and guidance to pupils that need extra support. Attendance is high and systems for improving this further are well established.

Pupils are punctual and persistent absence is low.

There is a comprehensive careers programme that starts from Year 7, which provides advice and guidance about different pathways. The talents and interests of pupils are developed through a very wide range of extra-curricular activities.

For example, Year 10 pupils can develop their character and resilience by working towards the Duke of Edinburgh award. Pupils are taught what it means to be an active citizen by taking part in charity fundraising activities.

Pupils learn about physical and online safety and the school has a proactive approach to mental health.

For example, in the sixth form, students have weekly well-being lessons, where they are actively encouraged to challenge themselves, as well as helping them develop self-confidence.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils academically and in terms of their wider personal development. There are many opportunities for staff professional development, for example, through research and development groups.

Leaders consider the workload and well-being of staff. Knowledgeable governors provide highly effective challenge and support to school leaders through regular monitoring visits.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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