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Pupils thrive in this warm and welcoming school. Staff are committed to helping pupils to develop a strong sense of community and belonging.
Pupils feel confident to be themselves because of the supportive atmosphere that permeates the school.
The school is determined for all pupils, especially those who are disadvantaged, to achieve the very best that they can. Pupils have high aspirations for themselves and each other.
They work hard in lessons to achieve the ambitious learning goals that their teachers set for them. As a result, pupils typically achieve well.
Pupils treat each other with kindness and respect.
During social times, pupils a...re considerate of one another. They told inspectors that they make sure that everyone is happy and included in the fun and games at playtimes. Pupils said that if they make mistakes with their behaviour or learning, staff will help them to put things right.
The school ensures that all pupils are able to access the wide range of activities on offer that extend and enhance the curriculum. For example, pupils in Year 6 spoke enthusiastically about a recent residential trip to the Lake District. Pupils benefit from clubs such as taekwondo, yoga, choir and sewing that encourage them to explore and develop their talents.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has developed a highly ambitious and creative curriculum that meets the needs of pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), successfully. The school has carefully considered what pupils should learn, starting in the early years. As pupils get older, subject curriculums are suitably designed to build on pupils' previous knowledge.
This enables most pupils to develop a broad and deep understanding across the curriculum.
Within the school and across the trust, teachers support one another to design learning that develops pupils' understanding of concepts securely. Teachers typically present information clearly and select appropriate activities that help pupils to consolidate their learning.
Most teachers routinely check that pupils are securing the knowledge that they require for subsequent learning. Teachers quickly identify and remedy any gaps in pupils' knowledge.
The school promotes a love of reading for all.
Younger children enjoy a range of books, stories and rhymes with staff. Staff encourage pupils in older classes to read widely and often.
The school's recently implemented phonics programme is supporting younger pupils, including children in the early years, to develop into competent readers.
Pupils regularly practise their reading with books that match the sounds that they have learned. Most staff in the early years and key stage 1 have been well trained to deliver the phonics programme effectively. However, some other staff have not received sufficient training to develop suitable expertise in phonics.
As a result, some older pupils who have gaps in their phonics knowledge are not supported as well as they could be. This sometimes hinders these pupils from developing into confident and fluent readers as quickly as they should.
The school ensures that staff are equipped to identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND swiftly.
Typically, staff use a range of suitable strategies to support these pupils effectively. This enables pupils with SEND to learn successfully.
Pupils behave exceptionally well.
Highly effective systems that support and promote positive behaviour are well understood by pupils and staff. These systems underpin the strong, caring relationships that are evident throughout the school. In the early years, staff teach children about the routines and expectations of the classroom.
This helps children to quickly settle in and adapt to school life.
Pupils experience a range of opportunities that enhance their personal development, beginning in the early years. There is a strong focus on fostering pupils' appreciation of the diversity within the school and local community.
For example, pupils visit local places of worship and learn about religious and cultural festivals. Pupils learn about how to look after their physical and mental health in an age-appropriate way. They develop a secure understanding of how to keep themselves safe, both online and in the community.
Governors and trustees have a wide range of expertise which enables them to provide effective support to the school. Those responsible for governance have a strong oversight of leaders' work.
Staff spoke very highly of the school.
They told inspectors that leaders seek out and consider their views when making changes to the curriculum. Staff are appreciative of the steps that the school has taken to reduce unnecessary workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some staff do not have the expertise required to provide effective support for some older pupils who find reading difficult. This means that these staff do not address the gaps in some older pupils' reading knowledge as rapidly as they should. The school should ensure that staff are fully equipped to help these pupils to develop into confident and fluent readers.