Ladybrook Primary School

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About Ladybrook Primary School

Name Ladybrook Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Deborah Presswood
Address Gleneagles Close, Seal Road, Stockport, SK7 2LT
Phone Number 01614398444
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 242
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils describe their school as a remarkable place where everyone is welcome.

They are proud and happy to be part of such a unique and special community where differences between people are nurtured and celebrated. Pupils' attitudes to work embody the school's strapline, 'learning without limits'. They frequently exceed the high expectations that staff have for their academic and personal success.

Pupils proudly show their learning in different ways. For example, older pupils enjoyed creating their own books to showcase the rich body of knowledge that they have gained across the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in lessons and at playtimes.

...Lessons are calm, and time shared together at playtimes is both fun and special. Pupils play a highly active role in making their school the best it can be. For example, pupils contribute to the design of central spaces such as the library and sanctuary area.

Children in the Nursery class also help new children by sharing their favourite memories with them before they start school. Pupils across all ages take on various leadership roles such as reading buddies and school councillors. They also show a deep sense of social responsibility in different ways, such as by supporting local charities through various fundraising activities.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a highly ambitious curriculum. Every aspect of the curriculum has been expertly crafted. It is designed to give pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), the knowledge that they need to succeed in their future lives.

Staff are clear about the knowledge and skills that pupils need to know and how these build over a pupil's journey through school.

Staff receive highly effective training. They spoke very positively about the helpful guidance that they receive from leaders and members of the governing body.

This helps them to deliver the curriculum consistently well across the school from the early years through to Year 6.

Staff expertly design activities which support pupils to build on their prior learning and to make links with new content extremely well. Staff are adept at using assessment strategies to identify and address any potential gaps in pupils' learning before moving on to new content.

They also make sure that pupils revisit key knowledge to deepen their understanding further. As a result, pupils achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum and are overwhelmingly ready for the next stage of their education.

The school recognises the importance of teaching pupils to read.

This work begins in the Nursery class where children are introduced to letters and the sounds that they make. Children love to recite much loved stories and rhymes. This prepares children exceptionally well for future learning in the Reception class.

The school ensures that staff deliver the phonics programme with complete fidelity to the chosen approach.As pupils progress through school, they read with ease, fluency and expression. Those pupils who require additional support for reading receive well-tailored and timely interventions.

This ensures that pupils catch up quickly and keep up with their peers. Most pupils, by the time they leave the school are highly competent readers.

Staff have received training that enables them to clearly identify and meet the additional needs of pupils with SEND.

Curriculum delivery is successfully adapted to support these pupils to learn the same key knowledge as their peers. Pupils with SEND achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.

The school's offer for personal development is exceptional.

It permeates across every area of school life. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe. They learn about health and fitness and how to look after their own mental health.

Pupils share projects and work collaboratively with a school in a different context. This helps to broaden pupils' horizons and develops a social awareness of the world beyond their local area.

Visits, visitors and clubs are carefully mapped out to enhance pupils' learning beyond the classroom.

Pupils have regular opportunities to debate and discuss issues that are important to them. For example, in assembly time, mixed-age groupings come together to discuss fundamental British values such as democracy and tolerance. These groups also think about how they can care for their immediate area and conserve the world's resources.

As a result of this work, pupils develop excellent communication skills. They are eager to make a difference to the world and to protect it for future generations. Pupils are extremely well prepared for their future lives.

Pupils are highly respectful of each other and towards staff and visitors. Pupils' conduct within lessons, around school and at lunchtimes is exemplary. The school ensures that attendance is of paramount importance.

It is proactive in quickly picking up on any rare instances where attendance is not as high as the school expects. It provides very effective support for pupils and families. This results in high rates of attendance across the school.

The governing body is passionate and ambitious about ensuring that pupils receive the very best education. It has the skillset and knowledge to effectively challenge and support the school. Governors ensure that any changes to the school are well managed.

For example, by consulting and conducting regular check-ins to ensure that any change is positive. Staff appreciate this support and consideration for their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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