Lakeside Primary School

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About Lakeside Primary School

Name Lakeside Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jon Moss
Address Hatherley Road, Cheltenham, GL51 6HR
Phone Number 01242524756
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 553
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Lakeside Primary School has a warm and welcoming environment. Leaders make sure that their 'PROUD' values sit at the heart of the school. All members of the school community share these values.

The headteacher has been instrumental in developing this sense of pride in the school. Teachers help pupils to develop their strength of character, confidence and independence. Pupils enjoy coming to school and behave well.

They feel safe and they trust adults to sort out any bullying if it occurs.

Leaders are ambitious that children will do well. Governors and staff share these high expectations.

Leaders have recently made significant improvements to the way ...teachers plan pupils' learning. Pupils learn well across a wide range of subjects. They find these subjects interesting.

They remember much of what they have learned. For example, Year 1 pupils talk with enthusiasm about their history lessons. They can explain how transport has changed over time.

Parents are very positive about the school. They feel that the headteacher and his team are making a real difference to their children.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum.

In most subjects, teaching builds successfully on what pupils already know and can do. Pupils achieve well as a result, particularly in reading and mathematics.

Reading sits at the heart of the school.

Staff are passionate that pupils will become confident and fluent readers. Pupils enjoy reading and talk enthusiastically about books. Leaders make sure that staff have the training they need to support pupils effectively.

Teachers follow a carefully structured phonics programme to make sure that pupils get off to a good start. Pupils master basic sounds quickly. Where pupils are at risk of falling behind, teachers make sure that they get the support they need.

Leaders check that teachers understand the needs of pupils in their classes. Most teaching makes sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the help they need. Pupils with SEND are positive about their learning and usually achieve well.

Sometimes, work does not fully meet the needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders are working with staff to improve how consistently learning supports these pupils.

Adults have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Most pupils show good attitudes to their learning and they concentrate well in class. Bullying is rare. Pupils are confident that, when bullying does happen, teachers deal with it quickly.

Leaders make sure that pupils' personal development is a priority. Pupils look after each other and value having positions of responsibility. An example of this is the 'Playground Pioneers' who play with younger children on the playground.

Pupils learn about other faiths and cultures and recognise the importance of showing respect to others. Teachers use stories and discussions to help pupils think about a range of moral issues. For example, Year 6 pupils can talk about the challenges facing refugee children from war zones.

They understand why it is important to show tolerance.

Governors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses. They make close checks on the school's work to secure improvement.

Governors make sure that leaders use additional funding to support the most vulnerable children.

Early years staff are knowledgeable and understand the needs of their children. Teachers plan a challenging curriculum that motivates children.

Children develop quickly in a range of areas, particularly reading and mathematics. There is a lively 'buzz' in the early years and children are keen to learn.

Science is not yet as well developed as other subjects.

Although leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum, a few pupils struggle to remember what they have learned in previous topics. This makes it difficult for these pupils to know and remember more.

Where the curriculum was less effective in the past, a small number of older pupils have gaps in their learning.

For example, some pupils are not sure about the difference between primary and secondary sources in history. Leaders are aware of this and are improving the way teachers check where these gaps are when planning new work in subjects.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed a strong safeguarding culture. They have put systems in place to make sure that adults are suitable to work with children.

Leaders make sure that staff have the training they need to keep children safe.

Adults know what to do if they have concerns about a child.

Staff keep pupils safe and pupils understand how to keep themselves safe. They talk confidently about online safety.

They trust adults to help them if they have any problems.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The science curriculum does not build on pupils' prior knowledge as effectively as the curriculum in other subjects. Some pupils do not secure a deep understanding of scientific concepts and vocabulary.

Leaders need to embed the ambitious curriculum plans for science consistently across every year group. . Sometimes, the curriculum is not adapted well to suit the needs of pupils with SEND.

When this happens, these pupils struggle to develop a deep understanding of the subject they are studying. Leaders need to make sure that the support given to pupils with SEND is of an equally high standard across every subject. .

Some older pupils have gaps in their knowledge because of previous weaknesses in the school's curriculum. Leaders need to sharpen assessment practice in the wider curriculum, to identify these gaps. Teachers need to consistently check what pupils already know, can do and understand when planning work and address where pupils have gaps in their learning.

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