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Elizabeth Slinger Road, West Didsbury, Manchester, M20 2XA
Phone Number
Community special school
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is a good school The newly appointed headteacher, alongside her senior leaders and governors, has taken decisive action to ensure that pupils enjoy their learning, thrive and make good progress. The school has had a prolonged period of instability.
However, it now has the firm foundations to continue on its journey of improvement. Pupils enjoy their time in the school. They build strong relationships with the staff, who have the skills, patience and care to ensure that all pupils are well cared for, safe and happy.
In most classes, pupils are engaged and making good progress, because work is well matched to the needs of each individual pupil. However, thi...s good practice is not consistent across the school. Pupils enjoy a wide range of national curriculum subjects and particularly enjoy mathematics, art and physical education.
Assistive technology is used well, so that pupils can communicate, make choices and work independently. Improvements to the curriculum are planned for September to further expand the experiences for pupils of all abilities. Governance is a strength of the school.
Governors have a clear direction and vision for further improvement. They are determined to achieve their ambition of providing the very best for the pupils of Lancasterian School. Governors and leaders recognise that they need to work even more with all stakeholders to share their vision and bring the Lancasterian community together again.
The personal development of pupils is a priority and strength of the school. Staff encourage independence and allow all pupils to contribute to discussion and have a voice. Some pupils make exceptional progress in certain areas, such as using sign language or moving independently.
However, this progress in personal development is not fully captured by leaders. Although whole-school attendance is gradually improving, there are too many children who have time off school for reasons other than illness. This leads to lost learning and slower progress.
Children in the early years enjoy a bright and airy learning environment. They have access to their own large outdoor area with play equipment and accessible swings. Through fun play activities, children are learning and, in most cases, make very strong progress.
Information about this school
All pupils have an (EHC) plan. Pupils' special educational needs vary and include visual impairment; hearing impairment; speech, language and communication; social, emotional and mental health; multi-sensory impairment; physical disability; moderate learning difficulty; severe learning difficulty; and profound and multiple learning difficulty. The school does not use any alternative provision.
Two thirds of pupils are eligible for free school meals. Boys considerably outnumber girls. The school has a high proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.