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Pupils and sixth formers love coming to Langley Grammar School and they thrive here. Leaders ensure all pupils experience a broad, ambitious academic curriculum coupled with first-class provision for personal development.
As one parent commented, 'This is a wonderful school for the overall development of your child.'
Parents and pupils appreciate how the school expects pupils not just to excel in the more traditional academic subjects, but to broaden their horizons through creative, artistic and sporting subjects. Learning is further enriched and extended through the diverse range of interesting clubs, trips and visits on offer.
The promotion of pupils' ment...al and physical health and their well-being is at the heart of all that leaders do. Pupils are grateful for the support of their teachers and rightly proud of their school and all that it offers.
Behaviour is exemplary, both in lessons and around the school site.
Pupils are considerate and respectful. Older pupils look out for younger ones here. There are warm relationships between staff and pupils, and between pupils and their peers.
Leaders ensure that pupils benefit from a range of support services. Any form of bullying or unkindness is not tolerated here, the school is a very supportive and safe place to learn.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
An ethos of 'supporting pupils to become confident and well-rounded, independent and creative, responsible and caring' individuals underpins the exceptional provision at Langley Grammar School.
Staff share the senior leaders' vision and high aspirations. There is a collective passion to provide every pupil with the very best academic curriculum and personal development. Leaders continually refine systems and improve the curriculum provision to meet pupils' needs.
Leaders have created an ambitious, first-rate curriculum that stimulates and challenges pupils and sixth formers. Subject leaders skilfully apply their expert knowledge to carefully select the order in which pupils learn new things and then bring their subjects to life. At any point, teachers know what pupils should learn and the goals they are working towards.
Pupils and sixth formers achieve exceptionally well across the whole curriculum. They are supported to become highly effective, independent learners. Typically, they take great pride in their work and engage enthusiastically in lessons, demonstrating a real thirst for learning.
Any who fall behind, or need further support, are provided with bespoke assistance to help to address concerns and build resilience.
In lessons, teachers facilitate the innovative use of iPads by pupils which allows them easy access to reflect and build upon what they have learned before. This skilled use of tablet technology equips teachers with a swift and highly effective feedback tool with which to challenge and motivate pupils.
Pupils value this feedback on their work and comparing their work to others in their class.
Pupils enter the school with typically high reading skills, which staff capably hone and refine still further. Pupils develop into confident, fluent and reflective readers, who demonstrate a real enjoyment of reading.
Teachers share a very strong focus on the precise use of subject language and developing pupils' vocabulary. This facilitates high-quality discussion and debate so enables pupils to develop deep, secure knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.
Strong leadership of the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and disadvantaged pupils ensures that they flourish.
Teachers are well equipped with useful information to support pupils' learning. Leaders, teachers and support staff work together as a team to meet these pupils' pastoral and academic needs very well.
The school offers exceptional learning environments.
Pupils' behaviour is excellent; they are calm, respectful, and polite. Pupils feel particularly well supported by the school's pastoral team and they trust that staff, and older pupils, will support them should they have any concerns.
The provision for pupils' personal development is outstanding.
High-quality personal, social and health education equips pupils to become caring, respectful and responsible citizens in 21st century Britain. Pupils benefit from a huge programme of day visits, visiting speakers, residential trips and access to the many artistic, sporting and activities-based clubs on offer. They are actively encouraged to develop leadership skills, proudly taking up opportunities to showcase the school or to support others.
A well-organised programme of careers education and guidance ensures that all pupils are very well prepared for their next steps beyond sixth form.
There is no complacency from leaders or governors. Governors ensure that the school fulfils its statutory duties, have high expectations and hold leaders to account.
Governors and leaders are constantly seeking to adapt and improve the school. Senior leaders also actively work with other local schools to support wider improvements in the area.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a well-established culture of vigilance at Langley Grammar School. Highly organised systems and an effective team approach involving governors, leaders and pastoral staff ensure that all pupils are kept safe. Pupils feel secure, look out for each other and trust adults will listen to any concerns they may have.
Staff receive regular high-quality training and there are clear procedures for reporting and acting on any concerns. Safeguarding leaders' records demonstrate how swiftly and effectively the school supports vulnerable pupils. Leaders proactively seek and secure support from external agencies when necessary to ensure that pupils get the help they need.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.