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Pupils are happy to attend this welcoming and caring school. Leaders and staff are ambitious for the achievement of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They also ensure that pupils' experiences contribute to their vision of a 'community of responsibility and respect, creativity and challenge'.
As a result, pupils achieve well in the majority of subjects.
There is a strong sense of community at the school. Pupils understand fairness and they know that everyone is equal, regardless of any differences.
They flourish in leadership roles such as librarians or members of the children's council.
Pupils feel... safe. They have a good understanding of the types of bullying that may occur.
Leaders deal with any incidents of bullying effectively. Classrooms are calm. This allows pupils to do their best in lessons.
Teachers have high expectations for behaviour. Pupils behave well. Staff teach them to take responsibility for their own actions.
They see this as 'putting things right'.
Pupils enjoy playing outdoors. This helps them to be active and healthy.
They also take part in a range of activities after school, including tennis, hockey and gymnastics. They participate in interesting trips and visits, including adventurous outdoor activities.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.
This ambitious curriculum starts in the early years. In most subjects, leaders have identified what pupils, and children in the early years, must learn and in which order. Teachers are well trained to deliver the curriculum and they have secure subject knowledge.
While teachers implement the curriculum well overall, in a few subjects, leaders have not identified clearly enough the precise subject-specific knowledge that pupils need to acquire in each year group. This means that pupils do not have the depth of prior knowledge that they should. However, in most subjects, pupils, including those with SEND, learn well and they are well prepared for the next stages in their education.
Across the curriculum, and in the early years, teachers use a range of assessment systems to check that pupils are learning and remembering the curriculum content. This helps pupils to develop a secure subject knowledge. Where teachers identify misconceptions in pupils' learning, they address these swiftly and successfully.
Leaders have introduced a clearly sequenced phonics curriculum, which ensures that most pupils become accurate and fluent readers. Children learn phonics from the early years. Teachers in the early years and in key stage 1 build pupils' phonics knowledge skilfully.
They make sure that pupils read books that are well matched to their phonics knowledge. They are swift to spot any pupils who may be falling behind with their reading. Staff help these pupils to catch up quickly.
Older pupils develop effective reading habits. They speak enthusiastically about books and authors they have studied.Children in the early years settle into school life quickly.
They have a well-developed understanding of the classroom routines. Leaders ensure that they have ample opportunities to explore the outdoors. This helps them to develop confidence and independence.
They develop their language and number skills well. Across the school, teachers encourage pupils, including children in the early years, to develop and extend their vocabulary. Children in the early years are well prepared for the continuation of their learning in Year 1.
Pupils behave well. They rarely disturb the learning of their peers. They learn about their rights and responsibilities as future citizens.
They understand the importance of developing respectful relationships with people who may be different from them. They take part in trips to places of worship. These opportunities enhance their understanding of cultural and religious differences.
They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.Leaders and teachers accurately identify pupils with SEND at the earliest possible stage. They check carefully that the right support is in place for these pupils as they move through the school.
Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND are able to take part in all aspects of school life, including following the same curriculum as their peers and taking part in school educational visits.Governors are well informed about the quality of education that pupils receive. They know the school and its community well.
They worked effectively to check that leaders addressed the areas identified for improvement at the last inspection.Governors and leaders take staff's workload and well-being into consideration when making decisions about the school. Staff feel that they are respected and valued.
They appreciate the ample opportunities that they have to participate in professional development and training.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The safeguarding team uses its expertise and local knowledge to support vulnerable pupils and their families.
Staff have a clear understanding of how to report any concerns. Leaders follow up these concerns diligently. They work with a number of agencies and charities to ensure that they provide timely and well-tailored support.
Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training so that they can stay alert to the signs which could indicate that pupils are at risk of harm. Pupils receive regular guidance about how to keep themselves safe. This includes learning about online safety and about some of the features of healthy relationships.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, leaders have not identified in sufficient detail the important knowledge that pupils need to learn. This means that, in these subjects, it is more difficult for teachers to design learning that builds securely on what pupils already know and can do. Leaders should review and improve the clarity of the curriculum content in these subjects so that pupils build securely on learning as they move through the school.