Laughton Junior and Infant School

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About Laughton Junior and Infant School

Name Laughton Junior and Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Claire Hill
Address School Road, Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Sheffield, S25 1YP
Phone Number 01909550477
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 219
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The three core values 'respect, reflect and resilience' shine through this school. Pupils know and understand these values.

Relationships of respect and care exist between pupils and staff. Pupils say they feel happy and safe. They have a good understanding of bullying and say that it is rare.

Leaders have high expectations for all pupils to achieve, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils. Leaders deliver and plan an interesting and balanced curriculum. This includes a range of sports clubs that pupils can enjoy after school.

Pupils succeed because of the academic and pastoral support that leaders p...rovide.

Behaviour in most lessons is calm and well managed. Pupils follow the school's behaviour policy.

They know and understand the rewards and consequence system. They try their best and know that learning is important. Pupils play well together at breaktimes and lunchtimes.

Pupils have a well-developed understanding of tolerance and diversity. They are accepting of each other and appreciate how each person is unique. Pupils typically share comments such as 'Our school is generous and kind.

We support everyone.' Pupils benefit from leadership roles across school. Older pupils enjoy reading to younger pupils.

Pupils thrive in this nurturing environment. Parents appreciate support from leaders.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a well-planned and ambitious curriculum.

They have identified the important knowledge and vocabulary across most subjects. This sets out what pupils should learn and when. Teachers adapt the mathematics programme so that it is well matched to the needs of all pupils.

As a result, pupils achieve well. Teachers have good subject knowledge and lessons reflect the learning that has been planned for pupils in most year groups. Effective teaching helps pupils to remember what they are learning.

However, at times, some teachers do not choose the most appropriate activities to help pupils to learn new knowledge. This prevents some pupils from reaching ambitious end points.

Teachers check what pupils have learned in a variety of ways, such as quizzes.

Pupils create double-page spreads to show what they know. Leaders continue to develop their checks on pupils' knowledge in the wider curriculum.

Leaders prioritise reading in school.

Children in Reception learn to read right from the start. Staff are well trained and confident to teach phonics. Teachers deliver lessons with precision and consistency.

Pupils enjoy the structure and routine of the school's chosen phonics programme, which enables them to learn to read with confidence. Pupils read books that match the sounds that they are learning.Leaders promote a love of reading.

They carefully consider the books that teachers read to their class. They ensure that there is a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. This broadens pupils' knowledge and vocabulary across subjects.

Pupils eagerly talk about their favourite books and a wide range of authors.

Early years staff are passionate about children's development. Children in Nursery get off to a good start with clear learning routines.

They are eager to share their Chinese dragon puppets from the topic they are learning. Relationships are strong and staff know the children well. Teachers have a sound knowledge of the curriculum.

Adults model language well. In mathematics, they encourage children to use words such as 'heavier and lighter' when children are filling buckets. However, in subjects other than mathematics and English, leaders have not identified the precise knowledge that they want children to learn by the end of Reception.

Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as other pupils. They identify any pupils who may benefit from additional support. Teachers and external specialists provide carefully matched activities to support pupils with SEND effectively.

The curriculum is skilfully adapted to meet the pupils' needs.

The personal development of pupils is a priority for leaders. There is a well-planned curriculum and assembly programme, with high-quality resources and books available to support pupils' learning.

Leaders celebrate events such as Anti-Bullying Week. Pupils engage in projects that raise awareness about disabilities. They learn about different religions and cultures.

Leaders have an accurate view of the effectiveness of the school. They tackle areas for improvement systematically. Trustees and the local governing body work with leaders to ensure the quality of education pupils receive is effective.

Leaders are considerate of staff workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff have the knowledge they need to identify pupils who could be at risk of harm.

Staff receive regular and detailed safeguarding training. As a result, staff are alert to the risks that pupils may face. They raise concerns promptly, which leaders respond to quickly.

Staff know vulnerable pupils and their families well.

The curriculum helps pupils to stay safe. For example, pupils learn about water safety and road safety.

Pupils know who they can speak to if they are worried.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In the early years, plans are fully developed in English and mathematics. However, in other areas of learning, plans are still being developed.

Leaders know what they want children to achieve. However, the exact knowledge lacks detail. This means that some activities that teachers plan do not enable children to learn new knowledge and skills.

Leaders need to continue to develop the curriculum in the areas they have identified so that children are prepared for Year 1. ? In key stage 1, the curriculum is not implemented consistently. Some activity choices do not support pupils to learn.

This results in time being wasted in activities that do not have a purpose. As a result, pupils do not always display positive learning behaviours and do not gain sufficient secure knowledge. Leaders need to ensure that staff have the training they need to implement the curriculum consistently and effectively so that all pupils can learn new knowledge quickly.

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