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Pupils are safe and happy at Laureate Academy. Most teachers have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and learning.
Pupils value the fact that there are plenty of adults who will listen to them. Pupils comment that bullying is rare. However, when it does happen, pupils say that it is dealt with effectively.
Most pupils behave well in lessons and around the school, as most know and follow expectations. Pupils are typically respectful. They have a strong understanding of other cultures and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils study an ambitious curriculum. Their teachers explain ideas clearly and help them when they do not understand. Student...s in the small but growing sixth form can study a range of mostly academic qualifications.
Pupils, including sixth-form students, leave with a suitable foundation for future study or employment.
Pupils benefit from a range of inspiring wider personal development opportunities. In addition to the many sports and performing arts activities, pupils take part in pickleball, robotics, chess and Pride clubs.
All Year 7 pupils visit Cambridge University, and all Year 12 students visit Bath University and the Roman baths.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed a well-constructed, broad curriculum. They precisely identify the knowledge pupils need to learn.
This knowledge builds on prior learning. The curriculum is suitably ambitious, with, for example, pupils studying Latin from Year 7. More than half of the pupils go on to be entered for the English Baccalaureate.
Leaders ensure that staff have access to a high-quality programme of training and development. Consequently, teachers have the subject knowledge they need to deliver the curriculum well. Teachers plan for progression effectively.
They assess and check what pupils know. However, some teachers do not adapt their teaching precisely enough to fully meet the needs of all pupils. When this happens, pupils do not achieve as well as they should.
Teachers ensure that pupils can recall and build on important knowledge. Most lessons start with a 'do now' activity, which typically revisits knowledge so that pupils can remember it. Teachers use questioning to check what pupils have learned in lessons.
This informs teachers' planning of pupils' next steps in their learning.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are accurately identified. Leaders ensure that strategies to meet pupils' needs are in place to support teachers to help pupils with SEND successfully access the curriculum.
Most teachers make appropriate adaptations that follow these strategies. However, a minority of teachers do not do this well enough. Where this is the case, pupils do not access the full curriculum as well as they might.
This results in these pupils not achieving as well as they could.
Leaders have identified pupils who need to get better at reading. Pupils who need help with reading receive the right support.
This helps them to become better readers, which in turn ensures that pupils are successfully able to access the rest of the planned curriculum.
Leaders are taking effective action to improve attendance. However, a small minority of pupils do not attend school as well as they should.
This means that they miss important learning and do not benefit as much as they could from the extra opportunities on offer.
Leaders have taken a firm line to improve behaviour. Leaders rightly recognise the need to develop more positive attitudes to school in a small minority of pupils.
The curriculum is enhanced with an impressive range of clubs, trips and visits. Pupils also take part in inspiring enrichment days. These days include trips to universities, theatres and art galleries.
These opportunities widen and complement pupils' learning experiences. Sixth-form students visit the Houses of Parliament and the Supreme Court. Pupils have a 'broadening horizons' week, during which they learn more about apprenticeships, financial education and preparation for interviews.
Sixth-form students value the opportunities to take on leadership roles. They help Year 9 pupils to get better at reading by listening to them read during tutor time. They also coordinate the work of the school council and take on mentoring roles, providing younger pupils with support.
Pupils learn about tolerance and accepting difference through a well-designed programme of personal, social and health education. They learn how to be healthy and how to identify risk. Visiting speakers tell their personal stories, helping pupils to learn about the risks of joining gangs and taking drugs.
Leaders engage well with staff, who appreciate the consideration given to their workload and well-being. Teachers in the early stages of their teaching careers are particularly well supported.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff receive comprehensive training, so they know how to spot if a pupil is at risk of harm. Staff follow the clear systems for reporting concerns effectively.
Leaders make sure that the required checks are made on all staff and recorded on the single central record.
Safeguarding records are detailed and demonstrate that appropriate actions are taken to keep pupils safe.
Leaders ensure that pupils are listened to, are aware of risk and have access to services such as well-being and high-quality pastoral support. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in a range of situations, including when online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Although leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND effectively, they have not ensured that all teachers make the right adaptations to learning for pupils with SEND consistently well. Consequently, a minority of pupils with SEND do not access the curriculum as well as they might. Leaders need to ensure that staff receive further training so that they successfully and consistently make the adaptations to learning that pupils with SEND need.
• Leaders have not ensured that a small minority of pupils attend lessons well enough. As a result, these pupils miss out on important learning and do not make as much progress as they should. Leaders need to ensure that they further develop their systems and processes to promote good attendance so that all pupils attend well.
• A small minority of pupils do not follow the behaviour policy well enough. They cause disruption to others and miss important learning themselves. Leaders need to ensure that all pupils consistently follow the behaviour policy so that learning is not disrupted and pupils do no miss out on important learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.