Lawn Primary School

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About Lawn Primary School

Name Lawn Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen Hambleton
Address Norbury Close, Allestree, Derby, DE22 2QR
Phone Number 01332550178
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 430
Local Authority Derby
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel incredibly privileged to attend this school. They feel secure and happy in a place where ambitions are high for everyone.

Parents' praise is glowing. They typically say this is a 'fantastic school'. Parents value the dedicated staff who go out of their way to ensure this is a place where pupils 'belong, learn and thrive'.

Pupils are incredibly polite and courteous. They show tremendous care and respect. Their admirable behaviour contributes to the intensely positive atmosphere throughout school.

Pupils have excellent attitudes and are determined to make the most of every opportunity.

Pupils proudly volunteer for the numerous leadership ro...les. They are inspired to 'be a positive influence' and make a difference.

Whether serving on the school parliament, looking after the library, monitoring the corridors or tidying the garden, pupils are eager to demonstrate how they are becoming 'global citizens'.

The school provides pupils with an exceptional education. Pupils study an innovative and impressive curriculum.

They consistently attain high standards in the statutory assessments. However, the breadth and depth of their learning goes far beyond. Pupils achieve well in all subjects.

The school's mission is for pupils to 'Dream, Believe, Achieve'. Driven by inspirational leadership, the whole school community is realising this vision.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The inspiring curriculum is exceptionally well planned.

For every subject and every aspect of their development, the school has precisely set out and sequenced the essential knowledge that pupils need to learn. They have meticulously threaded their 'global citizenship curriculum' through this sequence. A wealth of experiences, visits and visitors enrich the curriculum.

These provide a meaningful context for what the pupils are learning. While the curriculum design is complex, it makes complete sense to the pupils. It is so well understood that pupils are comfortable discussing and reflecting on challenging topics.

Skilled teaching of the curriculum supports pupils' depth of understanding. Knowledgeable teachers clearly explain new or difficult concepts. They skilfully question to probe and check pupils' understanding.

They often engage pupils in debating quite thought-provoking questions. Teachers provide helpful activities, including through the digital learning platform. Teachers and pupils use this to record their complete learning journey.

Even the youngest pupils use it proficiently.

The school is equally ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to do well. These pupils' needs are accurately identified.

Teachers use technology to good effect to aid and support the learning of pupils with SEND.They limit potential barriers, such as difficulty in writing. This allows pupils to better focus on the concept they are studying.

The school is passionate about ensuring pupils become fluent and avid readers. The Reception-age children get off to a flying start. They enjoy voting to select books for the daily story time.

Older pupils show great interest in their class novels, chuckling along to the funny ones with their teacher. They value the well-stocked libraries. Since the last inspection, the school has introduced a new phonics programme.

This is well established. Staff are experts in teaching pupils to read. Through routine checking, they have a precise understanding of their progress.

Staff make sure pupils get the right support to quickly catch up if needed.

Being well read and understanding phonics supports pupils to become confident writers. Pupils take great pride in their work and their handwriting is beautifully formed.

Their excellent compositions often reflect their deeper knowledge in subjects such as geography and history. For example, Year 3 pupils debated whether to become a vegetarian, referring to the impact on farming when making their argument. Year 5 pupils wrote powerful speeches to persuade people to sign up and 'fight for king and country' in wartime.

Pupils have a deep understanding of the school's and other important values. They respect everyone's right to their own views and beliefs even if different to their own. One parent commented that the school acts 'as a great moral compass explaining right from wrong in a difficult and changing wider world'.

The teaching of the exceptionally well-considered personal development curriculum is thorough. Pupils talk about it being so ingrained that acting on it is second nature to them.

The strong partnership between school leaders, governors and the trust is integral to the school's success.

They constantly challenge themselves to ensure the school is the best it can be and reflects the aspirations of the community.

Staff proudly share in these aspirations. Leaders prioritise their well-being, and staff feel very well supported.

Their growth is the result of high-quality professional development. Staff value the many opportunities to share their expertise.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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